[C++/WinRT] load C++/WinRT dll without application manifest
I'm writing a dll and using Windows Vision Skill (C++/WinRT) to process image. Since Windows Skill (C++/WinRT) need application manifest to load its DLL, unfortunately I don't have permission to edit application manifest, my DLL is loaded automatically by system process. I got the error "ClassFactory cannot supply requested class" when creating C++/WinRT object.
I also tried to use Activation Context API to activate the context, but nothing changed.
Here is the code I use to start create object via wrapper, the below code is executed when my dll is attached:
Wrapper* pwrap = new Wrapper();
ACTCTX actCtx;
memset((void*)&actCtx, 0, sizeof(ACTCTX));
actCtx.cbSize = sizeof(ACTCTX);
actCtx.lpSource = PathToManifest();
HANDLE hCtx = ::CreateActCtx(&actCtx);
ULONG_PTR cookie;
if (::ActivateActCtx(hCtx, &cookie))
S_Error err_res = pwrap->Create();
::DeactivateActCtx(0, cookie);
Here is the c++/winrt creating code:
bool Wrapper::Create()
bool err = false;
try {
// Create the ObjectDetector skill descriptor
auto skillDescriptor = ObjectDetectorDescriptor().as<ISkillDescriptor>();
// Create instance of the skill
ObjectDetectorSkill Skill = skillDescriptor.CreateSkillAsync().get().as<ObjectDetectorSkill>();
// Create instance of the skill binding
ObjectDetectorBinding Binding = Skill.CreateSkillBindingAsync().get().as<ObjectDetectorBinding>();
err = true;
catch (hresult_error const& ex)
std::wstring wbuf = ex.message().c_str();
int wleng = wbuf.length();
char* buf = new char[wleng];
size_t len;
errno_t error = wcstombs_s(&len, (char*)(buf), 255, wbuf.c_str(), 255);
m_error = buf;
return err;
Here is the manifest file and all DLLs are put into same directory:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<assembly manifestVersion="1.0" xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1">
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Wrapper" version="" ></assemblyIdentity>
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.AI.Skills.SkillInterfacePreview" version=""></assemblyIdentity>
<assemblyIdentity type="win32" name="Microsoft.AI.Skills.Vision.ObjectDetectorPreview" version=""></assemblyIdentity>
I think the problem is the Windows Skill (C++/WinRT) DLL cannot be loaded, so I cannot create the object.
Does anyone know how to load C++/WinRT inside other dll without modifying application manifest? Please help me.