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For the first question, yes, you could try to use broadFileSystem capability. This capability could allow the app to access any file that the user has access to using Storage API with Path. If you need to submit the app to the store, you will need to get special approval for the restricted capabilities. Here is the detailed information: Restricted capability approval process.
For the second question, yes, if you are using a FileOpenPicker in your app, then you won't need to use broadFileSystem capability. When the user chose a folder at the beginning, you could try to add the folder into Future-access list. By picking files and folders, your user grants your app permission to access items that might not be accessible otherwise. If you add these items to your future-access list then you'll retain that permission when your app wants to access those items again later.
For more information about how to use Future-access list, please refer to this document: Future-access list. Most part of the document is talking about MostRecentlyUsedList. But the usage of Future-access list is the same as MostRecentlyUsed List.