Use Enhanced Log in Storage Replica
Storage Replica in Windows Server uses a general-purpose logging service to replicate I/O to the secondary volume in any replication group. Beginning in Azure Local 23H2, users can opt in to a more performant logging service called Enhanced Log. To differentiate this redesigned logging service, we refer to the original logging service as Traditional Log.
Enhanced Log is generally available with Azure Local 23H2 and is available in Windows Server 2025.
Enhanced Log vs. Traditional Log
Traditional Log is based on the Common Log File System (CLFS).
Enhanced Log avoids file system abstractions and their performance costs by using a raw format for logging I/O that needs to be replicated. Enhanced Log introduces an architecture that allows multiple I/O data records to be concurrently written to the secondary volume in a replication group, improving overall workload performance.
There's no migration path from Storage Replica Traditional Log to Enhanced Log or vice versa. You must declare the log format when you create the Storage Replica partnership.
Enhanced Log deployment steps
To deploy a Storage Replica partnership that uses Enhanced Log:
Create standard new CSV_ReFS formatted volumes for Storage Replica data/data replication on each site's storage pool:
New-Volume -FriendlyName south-data -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Pool for Site South" -Size 1tb -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS
New-Volume -FriendlyName north-data -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Pool for Site North" -Size 1tb -FileSystem CSVFS_ReFS
Create a new virtual disk for Storage Replica logs and initialize the partition for each site:
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName south-log -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Pool for Site South" -Size 16gb
New-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName north-log -StoragePoolFriendlyName "Pool for Site North" -Size 16gb
Identify the disk number of the partitions you initialized in Step 2 so you can assign a drive letter:
On site 1:
New-Partition -DiskNumber <Disk Number> -DriveLetter 'e' -UseMaximumSize
On site 2:
New-Partition -DiskNumber <Disk Number> -DriveLetter 'f' -UseMaximumSize
Create the new Storage Replica partnership by using the
-LogType Raw
parameter to access Enhanced Log functionality:New-SRPartnership -SourceComputerName <Source Computer Hostname> -SourceRGName <Source Replication Group Name> -SourceVolumeName 'C:\ClusterStorage\south-data\' -SourceLogVolumeName e: -DestinationComputerName <Destination Computer Name> -DestinationRGName <Destination Replication Group Name> -DestinationVolumeName 'C:\ClusterStorage\north-data\' -DestinationLogVolumeName f: -LogType Raw -EnableCompression
parameter is needed only if you intend to use Server Message Block (SMB) compression for Storage Replica traffic.
You can use -LogType FileBased
to deploy the Storage Replica partnership by using the Traditional Log format.