Project Settings (Type Mapping) (Db2ToSQL)
The Type Mapping page of the Project Settings dialog box contains settings that customize how SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) converts Db2 data types into SQL Server data types.
The Type Mapping page is available in the Project Settings and Default Project Settings dialog boxes.
To specify settings for all future SSMA projects, on the Tools menu select Default Project Settings, select migration project type for which settings are required to be viewed or changed from Migration Target Version dropdown list and then select Type Mapping at the bottom of the left pane.
To specify settings for the current project, on the Tools menu select Project Settings, and then select Type Mapping at the bottom of the left pane.
To specify settings for the current object or class of objects, use the Type Mapping tab in the primary SSMA window.
The following table shows the Type Mapping tab options:
Source type
The mapped Db2 data type.
Target type
The target SQL Server data type for the specified Db2 data type.
See the tables in the next section for the default SSMA for Db2 type mappings.
Select to add a data type to the mapping list.
Select to edit the selected data type in the mapping list.
Select to remove the selected data type mapping from the mapping list.
Reset to default
Select to reset the type mapping list to the SSMA defaults.
Default type mappings
In SSMA for Db2, you can set custom type mappings for arguments, columns, local variables, and return values. The default mapping for arguments and return types is almost identical.
Default argument type and return value type mapping
The following table contains the default data type mapping for arguments and return values.
Db2 data type | Default SQL Server data type |
bfile | varbinary(max) |
binary_double | float(53) |
binary_float | float(53) |
binary_integer | int |
blob | varbinary(max) |
boolean | bit |
char | varchar(max) |
char varying | varchar(max) |
character | varchar(max) |
character varying | varchar(max) |
clob | varchar(max) |
date | datetime2(0) |
dec | decimal(38, 0) |
decimal | float(53) |
double precision | float(53) |
float | float(53) |
int | int |
integer | int |
long | varchar(max) |
long raw | varbinary(max) |
long raw[*..8000] 1 | varbinary(n) |
long raw[8001..*] 1 | varbinary(max) |
national char | nvarchar(max) |
national char varying | nvarchar(max) |
national character | nvarchar(max) |
national character varying 2 | nvarchar(max) |
national character varying 1 | nvarchar(max) |
nchar | nvarchar(max) |
nclob | nvarchar(max) |
number | float(53) |
numeric | float(53) |
nvarchar2 | nvarchar(max) |
pls_integer | int |
raw | varbinary(max) |
real | float(53) |
rowid | uniqueidentifier |
signtype | smallint |
smallint | smallint |
string | varchar(max) |
timestamp | datetime2 |
timestamp with local time zone | datetimeoffset |
timestamp with time zone | datetimeoffset |
urowid | uniqueidentifier |
varchar | varchar(max) |
varchar2 | varchar(max) |
xmltype | xml |
1 Applies to return value type mapping only.
2 Applies to argument type mapping only.
Default column type mapping
The following table contains the default type mapping for columns.
Db2 data type | Default SQL Server data type |
bfile | varbinary(max) |
binary_double | float(53) |
binary_float | float(53) |
blob | varbinary(max) |
char | char |
char varying[n] | varchar(n) |
char[n] | char(n) |
character | char |
character varying[n] | varchar(n) |
character[n] | char(n) |
clob | varchar(max) |
date | datetime2(0) |
dec | decimal(38, 0) |
dec[n] | dec[n][0] |
dec[x][y] | decimal(x, y) |
decimal | decimal(38, 0) |
decimal[n] | decimal(n, 0) |
decimal[x][y] | decimal(x, y) |
double precision | float(53) |
float | float(53) |
float[*..53] | float(n) |
float[54..*] | float(53) |
int | int |
integer | int |
long | varchar(max) |
long raw | varbinary(max) |
long raw[*..8000] | varbinary(n) |
long raw[8001..*] | varbinary(max) |
long varchar | varchar(max) |
long[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
long[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
national char | nchar |
national char varying[n] | nvarchar(n) |
national char[n] | nchar(n) |
national character | nchar |
national character varying[n] | nvarchar(n) |
national character[n] | nchar(n) |
nchar | nchar |
nchar[n] | nchar(n) |
nclob | nvarchar(max) |
number | float(53) |
number[n] | numeric(n) |
number[x][y] | numeric(x, y) |
numeric | numeric |
numeric[n] | numeric(n) |
numeric[x][y] | numeric(x, y) |
nvarchar2[n] | nvarchar(n) |
raw[n] | varbinary(n) |
real | float(53) |
rowid | uniqueidentifier |
smallint | smallint |
timestamp | datetime2 |
timestamp with local time zone | datetimeoffset |
timestamp with local time zone[n] | datetimeoffset(n) |
timestamp with time zone | datetimeoffset |
timestamp with time zone[n] | datetimeoffset(n) |
timestamp[n] | datetime2(n) |
Urowid | uniqueidentifier |
urowid[n] | uniqueidentifier |
varchar[n] | varchar(n) |
varchar2[n] | varchar(n) |
Xmltype | xml |
Default local variable type mapping
The following table contains the default type mapping for local variables.
Db2 data type | Default SQL Server data type |
Bfile | varbinary(max) |
binary_double | float(53) |
binary_float | float(53) |
binary_integer | int |
Blob | varbinary(max) |
Boolean | bit |
Char | char |
char varying[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
char varying[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
char[*..8000] | char(n) |
char[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
Character | char |
character varying[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
character varying[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
character[*..8000] | char(n) |
character[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
clob | varchar(max) |
date | datetime2(0) |
dec | decimal(38, 0) |
dec[n] | decimal(n, 0) |
dec[x][y] | decimal(x, y) |
decimal | decimal(38, 0) |
decimal[n] | decimal(n, 0) |
decimal[x][y] | decimal(x, y) |
double precision | float(53) |
Float | float(53) |
float[*..53] | float(n) |
float[54..*] | float(53) |
int | int |
Integer | int |
integer[n] | numeric(n, 0) |
Long | varchar(max) |
long raw | varbinary(max) |
long raw[*..8000] | varbinary(n) |
long raw[8001..*] | varbinary(max) |
national char | nchar |
national char varying[*..4000] | nvarchar(n) |
national char varying[4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
national char[*..4000] | nchar(n) |
national char[4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
national character | nchar |
national character[*..4000] | nvarchar(n) |
national character[4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
national character varying [*..4000] | nvarchar(n) |
national character varying [4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
Nchar | nchar |
nchar[*..4000] | nchar(n) |
nchar[4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
nchar varying [*..4000] | nvarchar(n) |
nchar varying [4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
Nclob | nvarchar(max) |
Number | float(53) |
number[n] | numeric(n) |
number[x][y] | numeric(x, y) |
Numeric | numeric(38, 0) |
numeric[n] | numeric(n) |
numeric[x][y] | numeric(x, y) |
nvarchar2[*..4000] | nvarchar(n) |
nvarchar2[4001..*] | nvarchar(max) |
pls_integer | int |
raw[*..8000] | varbinary(n) |
raw[8001..*] | varbinary(max) |
Real | float(53) |
Rowid | uniqueidentifier |
Signtype | smallint |
Smallint | smallint |
string[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
string[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
timestamp | datetime2 |
timestamp with local time zone | datetimeoffset |
timestamp with time zone | datetimeoffset |
timestamp with local time zone[n] | datetimeoffset(n) |
timestamp with time zone[n] | datetimeoffset(n) |
timestamp[n] | datetime2(n) |
Urowid | uniqueidentifier |
urowid[n] | uniqueidentifier |
varchar[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
varchar[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
varchar2[*..8000] | varchar(n) |
varchar2[8001..*] | varchar(max) |
Xmltype | xml |