Server diagnostics for Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra
Log Analytics is a tool in the Azure portal that helps you run server diagnostics on your API for Cassandra account.
- Create a Log Analytics workspace.
- Create diagnostic settings.
- Start log analytics on your API for Cassandra account.
Use Log Analytics
After you've completed the log analytics setup, you can begin to explore your logs to gain more insights.
Explore Data Plane Operations
Use the CDBCassandraRequests table to see data plane operations specifically for your API for Cassandra account. A sample query to see the topN(10) consuming request and get detailed information on each request made.
| where RequestCharge > 0
| project DatabaseName, CollectionName, DurationMs, OperationName, ActivityId, ErrorCode, RequestCharge, PIICommandText
| order by RequestCharge
| take 10
For a list of error codes and their possible solutions, see Error codes.
Troubleshoot Query Consumption
The CDBPartitionKeyRUConsumption table contains details on request unit (RU) consumption for logical keys in each region within each of their physical partitions.
| summarize sum(todouble(RequestCharge)) by PartitionKey, PartitionKeyRangeId
| render columnchart
Explore Control Plane Operations
The CBDControlPlaneRequests table contains details on control plane operations, specifically for API for Cassandra accounts.
| where TimeGenerated > now(-6h)
| where ApiKind == "Cassandra"
| where OperationName in ("Create", "Upsert", "Delete", "Execute")
| summarize by OperationName
Next steps
- Learn more about Log Analytics.
- Learn how to migrate from native Apache Cassandra to Azure Cosmos DB for Apache Cassandra.