This tab describes how to onboard to the PowerShell Gallery and download the ApplicationMonitor module. Included are the most common parameters that you need to get started. We also provide manual download instructions in case you don't have internet access.
Get a connection string
To get started, you need a connection string. For more information, see Connection strings.
On March 31, 2025, support for instrumentation key ingestion will end. Instrumentation key ingestion will continue to work, but we'll no longer provide updates or support for the feature. Transition to connection strings to take advantage of new capabilities.
Run PowerShell as Admin with an elevated execution policy
Run as Admin
PowerShell needs Administrator-level permissions to make changes to your computer.
Execution policy
- Description: By default, running PowerShell scripts is disabled. We recommend allowing RemoteSigned scripts for only the Current scope.
- Reference: About Execution Policies and Set-ExecutionPolicy.
- Command:
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope Process
- Optional parameter:
. Bypasses the confirmation prompt.
Example errors
Install-Module : The 'Install-Module' command was found in the module 'PowerShellGet', but the module could not be
loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module PowerShellGet'.
Import-Module : File C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\PackageManagement\1.3.1\PackageManagement.psm1 cannot
be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at
Prerequisites for PowerShell
Audit your instance of PowerShell by running the $PSVersionTable
This command produces the following output:
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.17763.316
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.17763.316
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
These instructions were written and tested on a computer running Windows 10 and the following versions.
Prerequisites for PowerShell Gallery
These steps prepare your server to download modules from PowerShell Gallery.
PowerShell Gallery is supported on Windows 10, Windows Server 2016, and PowerShell 6+.
For information about earlier versions, see Installing PowerShellGet.
Run PowerShell as Admin with an elevated execution policy.
Install the NuGet package provider.
- Description: You need this provider to interact with NuGet-based repositories like PowerShell Gallery.
- Reference: Install-PackageProvider.
- Command:
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion
- Optional parameters:
. Specifies a proxy server for the request.
. Bypasses the confirmation prompt.
You receive this prompt if NuGet isn't set up:
NuGet provider is required to continue
PowerShellGet requires NuGet provider version '' or newer to interact with NuGet-based repositories.
The NuGet provider must be available in 'C:\Program Files\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies' or
'C:\Users\t\AppData\Local\PackageManagement\ProviderAssemblies'. You can also install the NuGet provider by running
'Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force'. Do you want PowerShellGet to install and import
the NuGet provider now?
[Y] Yes [N] No [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"):
Configure PowerShell Gallery as a trusted repository.
- Description: By default, PowerShell Gallery is an untrusted repository.
- Reference: Set-PSRepository.
- Command:
Set-PSRepository -Name "PSGallery" -InstallationPolicy Trusted
- Optional parameter:
. Specifies a proxy server for the request.
You receive this prompt if PowerShell Gallery isn't trusted:
Untrusted repository
You are installing the modules from an untrusted repository.
If you trust this repository, change its InstallationPolicy value
by running the Set-PSRepository cmdlet. Are you sure you want to
install the modules from 'PSGallery'?
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "N"):
You can confirm this change and audit all PSRepositories
by running the Get-PSRepository
Install the newest version of PowerShellGet.
- Description: This module contains the tooling used to get other modules from PowerShell Gallery. Version ships with Windows 10 and Windows Server. Version 1.6.0 or higher is required. To determine which version is installed, run the
Get-Command -Module PowerShellGet
- Reference: Installing PowerShellGet.
- Command:
Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet
- Optional parameters:
. Specifies a proxy server for the request.
. Bypasses the "already installed" warning and installs the latest version.
You receive this error if you're not using the newest version of PowerShellGet:
Install-Module : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name 'AllowPrerelease'.
At line:1 char:20
Install-Module abc -AllowPrerelease
CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Install-Module], ParameterBindingException
FullyQualifiedErrorId : NamedParameterNotFound,Install-Module
Restart PowerShell. You can't load the new version in the current session. New PowerShell sessions load the latest version of PowerShellGet.
Download and install the module via PowerShell Gallery
These steps download the Az.ApplicationMonitor module from PowerShell Gallery.
- Ensure that all prerequisites for PowerShell Gallery are met.
- Run PowerShell as Admin with an elevated execution policy.
- Install the Az.ApplicationMonitor module.
- Reference: Install-Module.
- Command:
Install-Module -Name Az.ApplicationMonitor
- Optional parameters:
. Specifies a proxy server for the request.
. Allows installation of alpha and beta releases.
. Bypasses the "Accept License" prompt
. Bypasses the "Untrusted Repository" warning.
Download and install the module manually (offline option)
If for any reason you can't connect to the PowerShell module, you can manually download and install the Az.ApplicationMonitor module.
Manually download the latest nupkg file
- Go to
- Select the latest version of the file in the Version History table.
- Under Installation Options, select Manual Download.
Option 1: Install into a PowerShell modules directory
Install the manually downloaded PowerShell module into a PowerShell directory so it's discoverable by PowerShell sessions.
For more information, see Installing a PowerShell Module.
Unzip nupkg as a zip file by using Expand-Archive (v1.0.1.0)
Description: The base version of Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive (v1.0.1.0) can't unzip nupkg files. Rename the file with the .zip extension.
Reference: Expand-Archive.
$pathToNupkg = "C:\az.applicationmonitor.0.3.0-alpha.nupkg"
$pathToZip = ([io.path]::ChangeExtension($pathToNupkg, "zip"))
$pathToNupkg | rename-item -newname $pathToZip
$pathInstalledModule = "$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\az.applicationmonitor"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $pathToZip -DestinationPath $pathInstalledModule
Unzip nupkg by using Expand-Archive (v1.1.0.0)
Description: Use a current version of Expand-Archive to unzip nupkg files without changing the extension.
Reference: Expand-Archive and Microsoft.PowerShell.Archive.
$pathToNupkg = "C:\az.applicationmonitor.0.2.1-alpha.nupkg"
$pathInstalledModule = "$Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\az.applicationmonitor"
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $pathToNupkg -DestinationPath $pathInstalledModule
Option 2: Unzip and import nupkg manually
Install the manually downloaded PowerShell module into a PowerShell directory so it's discoverable by PowerShell sessions.
For more information, see Installing a PowerShell Module.
If you're installing the module into any other directory, manually import the module by using Import-Module.
DLLs will install via relative paths.
Store the contents of the package in your intended runtime directory and confirm that access permissions allow read but not write.
- Change the extension to ".zip" and extract the contents of the package into your intended installation directory.
- Find the file path of Az.ApplicationMonitor.psd1.
- Run PowerShell as Admin with an elevated execution policy.
- Load the module by using the
Import-Module Az.ApplicationMonitor.psd1
Route traffic through a proxy
When you monitor a computer on your private intranet, you need to route HTTP traffic through a proxy.
The PowerShell commands to download and install Az.ApplicationMonitor from the PowerShell Gallery support a -Proxy
Review the preceding instructions when you write your installation scripts.
The Application Insights SDK needs to send your app's telemetry to Microsoft. We recommend that you configure proxy settings for your app in your web.config file. For more information, see How do I achieve proxy passthrough?.
Enable monitoring
Use the Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring
command to enable monitoring.
See the API reference for a detailed description of how to use this cmdlet.
This tab describes the following cmdlets, which are members of the Az.ApplicationMonitor PowerShell module:
- To get started, you need a connection string. For more information, see Create a resource.
- This cmdlet requires that you review and accept our license and privacy statement.
On March 31, 2025, support for instrumentation key ingestion will end. Instrumentation key ingestion will continue to work, but we'll no longer provide updates or support for the feature. Transition to connection strings to take advantage of new capabilities.
This cmdlet requires a PowerShell session with Admin permissions and an elevated execution policy. For more information, see Run PowerShell as administrator with an elevated execution policy.
- This cmdlet requires that you review and accept our license and privacy statement.
- The instrumentation engine adds additional overhead and is off by default.
Enables the instrumentation engine by setting some registry keys.
Restart IIS for the changes to take effect.
The instrumentation engine can supplement data collected by the .NET SDKs.
It collects events and messages that describe the execution of a managed process. These events and messages include dependency result codes, HTTP verbs, and SQL command text.
Enable the instrumentation engine if:
- You already enabled monitoring with the
cmdlet but didn't enable the instrumentation engine.
- You manually instrumented your app with the .NET SDKs and want to collect extra telemetry.
Optional. Use this switch to accept the license and privacy statement in headless installations.
Common parameter. Use this switch to output detailed logs.
Example output from successfully enabling the instrumentation engine
Configuring IIS Environment for instrumentation engine...
Configuring registry for instrumentation engine...
Enables codeless attach monitoring of IIS apps on a target computer.
This cmdlet modifies the IIS applicationHost.config and sets some registry keys.
It creates an applicationinsights.ikey.config file, which defines the instrumentation key used by each app.
IIS loads the RedfieldModule on startup, which injects the Application Insights SDK into applications as the applications start.
Restart IIS for your changes to take effect.
After you enable monitoring, we recommend that you use Live Metrics to quickly check if your app is sending us telemetry.
Example with a single connection string
In this example, all apps on the current computer are assigned a single connection string.
Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -ConnectionString 'InstrumentationKey=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx;IngestionEndpoint='
Example with a single instrumentation key
In this example, all apps on the current computer are assigned a single instrumentation key.
Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -InstrumentationKey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Example with an instrumentation key map
In this example:
matches the current computer by using the '.*'
provides a null
instrumentation key. The specified app isn't instrumented.
assigns the specified app a unique instrumentation key.
assigns the specified app a unique instrumentation key.
uses the '.*'
wildcard to match any web apps it doesn't already match and assigns a default instrumentation key.
- Spaces are added for readability.
Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -InstrumentationKeyMap `
` @(@{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppExclude'},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppOne';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx1'}},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppTwo';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx2'}},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='.*';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxdefault'}})
The naming of AppFilter in this context can be confusing, AppFilter
sets the application name regex filter (HostingEnvironment.SiteName in the case of .NET on IIS). VirtualPathFilter
sets the virtual path regex filter (HostingEnvironment.ApplicationVirtualPath in the case of .NET on IIS). To instrument a single app you would use the VirtualPathFilter as follows: Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -InstrumentationKeyMap @(@{VirtualPathFilter="^/MyAppName$"; InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='<your ikey>'}})
Required. Use this parameter to supply a single connection string for use by all apps on the target computer.
Required. Use this parameter to supply a single instrumentation key for use by all apps on the target computer.
Required. Use this parameter to supply multiple instrumentation keys and a mapping of the instrumentation keys used by each app.
You can create a single installation script for several computers by setting MachineFilter
Apps matches against rules in the order that the rules are provided. So you should specify the most specific rules first and the most generic rules last.
- MachineFilter is a required C# regex of the computer or VM name.
- '.*' matches all
- 'ComputerName' matches only computers with the exact name specified.
- AppFilter is a required C# regex of the IIS Site Name. You can get a list of sites on your server by running the command get-iissite.
- '.*' matches all
- 'SiteName' matches only the IIS Site with the exact name specified.
- InstrumentationKey is required to enable monitoring of apps that match the preceding two filters.
- Leave this value null if you want to define rules to exclude monitoring.
Optional. Use this switch to enable the instrumentation engine to collect events and messages about what's happening during the execution of a managed process. These events and messages include dependency result codes, HTTP verbs, and SQL command text.
The instrumentation engine adds overhead and is off by default.
Optional. Use this switch to accept the license and privacy statement in headless installations.
When you have a cluster of web servers, you might be using a shared configuration.
The HttpModule can't be injected into this shared configuration.
This script fails with the message that extra installation steps are required.
Use this switch to ignore this check and continue installing prerequisites.
For more information, see known conflict-with-iis-shared-configuration
Common parameter. Use this switch to display detailed logs.
Common parameter. Use this switch to test and validate your input parameters without actually enabling monitoring.
Example output from a successful enablement
Initiating Disable Process
Applying transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config'
'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' backed up to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config.backup-2019-03-26_08-59-52z'
in :1,237
No element in the source document matches '/configuration/location[@path='']/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='ManagedHttpModuleHelper']'
Not executing RemoveAll (transform line 1, 546)
Transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' was successfully applied. Operation: 'disable'
GAC Module will not be removed, since this operation might cause IIS instabilities
Configuring IIS Environment for codeless attach...
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS[Environment]
Configuring IIS Environment for instrumentation engine...
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS[Environment]
Configuring registry for instrumentation engine...
Successfully disabled Application Insights Agent
Installing GAC module 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\0.2.0\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper.dll'
Applying transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config'
Found GAC module Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper.ManagedHttpModuleHelper, Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' backed up to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config.backup-2019-03-26_08-59-52z_1'
Transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' was successfully applied. Operation: 'enable'
Configuring IIS Environment for codeless attach...
Configuring IIS Environment for instrumentation engine...
Configuring registry for instrumentation engine...
Updating app pool permissions...
Successfully enabled Application Insights Agent
Disables the instrumentation engine by removing some registry keys.
Restart IIS for the changes to take effect.
Common parameter. Use this switch to output detailed logs.
Example output from successfully disabling the instrumentation engine
Configuring IIS Environment for instrumentation engine...
Registry: removing 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN[Environment]'
Registry: removing 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC[Environment]'
Registry: removing 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS[Environment]'
Configuring registry for instrumentation engine...
Disables monitoring on the target computer.
This cmdlet removes edits to the IIS applicationHost.config and remove registry keys.
Common parameter. Use this switch to display detailed logs.
Example output from successfully disabling monitoring
Initiating Disable Process
Applying transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config'
'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' backed up to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config.backup-2019-03-26_08-59-00z'
in :1,237
No element in the source document matches '/configuration/location[@path='']/system.webServer/modules/add[@name='ManagedHttpModuleHelper']'
Not executing RemoveAll (transform line 1, 546)
Transformation to 'C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config' was successfully applied. Operation: 'disable'
GAC Module will not be removed, since this operation might cause IIS instabilities
Configuring IIS Environment for codeless attach...
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS[Environment]
Configuring IIS Environment for instrumentation engine...
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC[Environment]
Registry: skipping non-existent 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS[Environment]
Configuring registry for instrumentation engine...
Successfully disabled Application Insights Agent
Gets the config file and prints the values to the console.
No parameters required.
Example output from reading the config file
0)InstrumentationKey: AppFilter: WebAppExclude MachineFilter: .*
1)InstrumentationKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx2 AppFilter: WebAppTwo MachineFilter: .*
2)InstrumentationKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxdefault AppFilter: .* MachineFilter: .*
This cmdlet provides troubleshooting information about Application Insights Agent.
Use this cmdlet to investigate the monitoring status, version of the PowerShell Module, and to inspect the running process.
This cmdlet reports version information and information about key files required for monitoring.
Example: Application status
Run the command Get-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringStatus
to display the monitoring status of web sites.
IIS Websites:
SiteName : Default Web Site
ApplicationPoolName : DefaultAppPool
SiteId : 1
SiteState : Stopped
SiteName : DemoWebApp111
ApplicationPoolName : DemoWebApp111
SiteId : 2
SiteState : Started
ProcessId : not found
SiteName : DemoWebApp222
ApplicationPoolName : DemoWebApp222
SiteId : 3
SiteState : Started
ProcessId : 2024
Instrumented : true
InstrumentationKey : xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx123
SiteName : DemoWebApp333
ApplicationPoolName : DemoWebApp333
SiteId : 4
SiteState : Started
ProcessId : 5184
AppAlreadyInstrumented : true
In this example:
Machine Identifier is an anonymous ID used to uniquely identify your server. If you create a support request, we need this ID to find logs for your server.
Default Web Site is Stopped in IIS
DemoWebApp111 has been started in IIS, but hasn't received any requests. This report shows that there's no running process (ProcessId: not found).
DemoWebApp222 is running and is being monitored (Instrumented: true). Based on the user configuration, Instrumentation Key xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx123 was matched for this site.
DemoWebApp333 has been manually instrumented using the Application Insights SDK. Application Insights Agent detected the SDK and doesn't monitor this site.
The presence of AppAlreadyInstrumented : true
signifies that the Application Insights agent identified a conflicting dll loaded in the web application, assumed that the web app is manually instrumented, and the agent has backed-off and isn't instrumenting this process.
Instrumented : true
indicates that the Application Insights agent successfully instrumented the web app running in the specified w3wp.exe process.
Run the command Get-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringStatus -PowerShellModule
to display information about the current module:
Get-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringStatus -PowerShellModule
PowerShell Module version:
Application Insights SDK version:
Executing PowerShell Module Assembly:
Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Redfield.Configurator.PowerShell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
PowerShell Module Directory:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\0.2.2\content\PowerShell
Runtime Paths:
ParentDirectory (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content
ConfigurationPath (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\applicationInsights.ikey.config
ManagedHttpModuleHelperPath (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AppInsights.IIS.ManagedHttpModuleHelper.dll
RedfieldIISModulePath (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.dll
InstrumentationEngine86Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation32\MicrosoftInstrumentationEngine_x86.dll
InstrumentationEngine64Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\MicrosoftInstrumentationEngine_x64.dll
InstrumentationEngineExtensionHost86Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation32\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ExtensionsHost_x86.dll
InstrumentationEngineExtensionHost64Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ExtensionsHost_x64.dll
InstrumentationEngineExtensionConfig86Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation32\Microsoft.InstrumentationEngine.Extensions.config
InstrumentationEngineExtensionConfig64Path (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\Microsoft.InstrumentationEngine.Extensions.config
ApplicationInsightsSdkPath (Exists: True)
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll
Example: Runtime status
You can inspect the process on the instrumented computer to see if all DLLs are loaded. If monitoring is working, at least 12 DLLs should be loaded.
Run the command Get-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringStatus -InspectProcess
Get-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringStatus -InspectProcess
iisreset.exe /status
Status for IIS Admin Service ( IISADMIN ) : Running
Status for Windows Process Activation Service ( WAS ) : Running
Status for Net.Msmq Listener Adapter ( NetMsmqActivator ) : Running
Status for Net.Pipe Listener Adapter ( NetPipeActivator ) : Running
Status for Net.Tcp Listener Adapter ( NetTcpActivator ) : Running
Status for World Wide Web Publishing Service ( W3SVC ) : Running
handle64.exe -accepteula -p w3wp
BF0: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.ServerTelemetryChannel.dll
C58: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.AzureAppServices.dll
C68: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.DependencyCollector.dll
C78: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.WindowsServer.dll
C98: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.Web.dll
CBC: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.PerfCounterCollector.dll
DB0: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.AI.Agent.Intercept.dll
B98: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.dll
BB4: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.Contracts.dll
BCC: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Redfield.Lightup.dll
BE0: File (R-D) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.dll
listdlls64.exe -accepteula w3wp
0x0000000019ac0000 0x127000 C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\MicrosoftInstrumentationEngine_x64.dll
0x00000000198b0000 0x4f000 C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ExtensionsHost_x64.dll
0x000000000c460000 0xb2000 C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Instrumentation64\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensions.Base_x64.dll
0x000000000ad60000 0x108000 C:\Windows\TEMP\
(No parameters)
By default, this cmdlet reports the monitoring status of web applications.
Use this option to review if your application was successfully instrumented.
You can also review which Instrumentation Key was matched to your site.
Optional. Use this switch to report the version numbers and paths of DLLs required for monitoring.
Use this option if you need to identify the version of any DLL, including the Application Insights SDK.
Optional. Use this switch to report whether IIS is running.
It downloads external tools to determine if the necessary DLLs are loaded into the IIS runtime.
If this process fails for any reason, you can run these commands manually:
- iisreset.exe /status
- handle64.exe -p w3wp | findstr /I "InstrumentationEngine AI. ApplicationInsights"
- listdlls64.exe w3wp | findstr /I "InstrumentationEngine AI ApplicationInsights"
Optional. Used only with InspectProcess. Use this switch to skip the user prompt that appears before more tools are downloaded.
Sets the config file without doing a full reinstallation.
Restart IIS for your changes to take effect.
This cmdlet requires a PowerShell session with Admin permissions.
Example with a single instrumentation key
In this example, all apps on the current computer are assigned a single instrumentation key.
Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -InstrumentationKey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
Example with an instrumentation key map
In this example:
matches the current computer by using the '.*'
provides a null
instrumentation key. The specified app isn't instrumented.
assigns the specified app a unique instrumentation key.
assigns the specified app a unique instrumentation key.
uses the '.*'
wildcard to match web apps it doesn't already match and assigns a default instrumentation key.
- Spaces are added for readability.
Enable-ApplicationInsightsMonitoring -InstrumentationKeyMap `
` @(@{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppExclude'},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppOne';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx1'}},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='WebAppTwo';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx2'}},
` @{MachineFilter='.*';AppFilter='.*';InstrumentationSettings=@{InstrumentationKey='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxdefault'}})
Required. Use this parameter to supply a single instrumentation key for use by all apps on the target computer.
Required. Use this parameter to supply multiple instrumentation keys and a mapping of the instrumentation keys used by each app.
You can create a single installation script for several computers by setting MachineFilter
Apps matches against rules in the order that the rules are provided. So you should specify the most specific rules first and the most generic rules last.
- MachineFilter is a required C# regex of the computer or VM name.
- '.*' matches all
- 'ComputerName' matches only computers with the specified name.
- AppFilter is a required C# regex of the computer or VM name.
- '.*' matches all
- 'ApplicationName' matches only IIS apps with the specified name.
- InstrumentationKey is required to enable monitoring of the apps that match the preceding two filters.
- Leave this value null if you want to define rules to exclude monitoring.
Common parameter. Use this switch to display detailed logs.
By default, no output.
Example verbose output from setting the config file via -InstrumentationKey
VERBOSE: Operation: InstallWithIkey
VERBOSE: InstrumentationKeyMap parsed:
0)InstrumentationKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx AppFilter: .* MachineFilter: .*
VERBOSE: set config file
VERBOSE: Config File Path:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\applicationInsights.ikey.config
Example verbose output from setting the config file via -InstrumentationKeyMap
VERBOSE: Operation: InstallWithIkeyMap
VERBOSE: InstrumentationKeyMap parsed:
0)InstrumentationKey: AppFilter: WebAppExclude MachineFilter: .*
1)InstrumentationKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx2 AppFilter: WebAppTwo MachineFilter: .*
2)InstrumentationKey: xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxdefault AppFilter: .* MachineFilter: .*
VERBOSE: set config file
VERBOSE: Config File Path:
C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\applicationInsights.ikey.config
Collects ETW Events from the codeless attach runtime.
This cmdlet is an alternative to running PerfView.
Events are collected, printed to the console in real-time, and saved to an ETL file. You can open the output ETL file with PerfView for further investigation.
This cmdlet runs until it reaches the timeout duration (default 5 minutes) or is stopped manually (Ctrl + C
How to collect events
Normally we would ask that you collect events to investigate why your application isn't being instrumented.
The codeless attach runtime emits ETW events when IIS starts up and when your application starts up.
To collect these events:
- In a cmd console with admin privileges, execute
iisreset /stop
to stop IIS and all web apps.
- Execute this cmdlet
- In a cmd console with admin privileges, execute
iisreset /start
to start IIS.
- Try to browse to your app.
- After your app finishes loading, you can manually stop it (
Ctrl + C
) or wait for the timeout.
What events to collect
You have three options when collecting events:
- Use the switch
to collect events emitted from the Application Insights SDK.
- Use the switch
to collect events emitted by Application Insights Agent and the Redfield Runtime. These logs are helpful when diagnosing IIS and application startup.
- Use both switches to collect both event types.
- By default, if no switch is specified both event types are collected.
Optional. Use this parameter to set how long this script should collect events. Default is 5 minutes.
Optional. Use this switch to set the output directory of the ETL file.
By default, this file is created in the PowerShell Modules directory.
The full path is displayed during script execution.
Optional. Use this switch to collect Application Insights SDK events.
Optional. Use this switch to collect events from Application Insights Agent and the Redfield runtime.
Common parameter. Use this switch to output detailed logs.
Example of application startup logs
Start-ApplicationInsightsMonitoringTrace -CollectRedfieldEvents
Log File: C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\logs\20190627_144217_ApplicationInsights_ETW_Trace.etl
Tracing enabled, waiting for events.
Tracing will timeout in 5 minutes. Press CTRL+C to cancel.
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Resolved variables to: MicrosoftAppInsights_ManagedHttpModulePath='C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.dll', MicrosoftAppInsights_ManagedHttpModuleType='Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.RedfieldIISModule'
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Resolved variables to: MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModulePath2='', MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModuleType2=''
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Environment variable 'MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModulePath2' or 'MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModuleType2' is null, skipping managed dll loading
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace MulticastHttpModule.constructor, success, 70 ms
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace Current assembly 'Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f23a46de0be5d6f3' location 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.dll'
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace Matched filter '.*'~'STATUSMONITORTE', '.*'~'DemoWithSql'
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace Lightup assembly calculated path: 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Redfield.Lightup.dll'
2:42:31 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-FrameworkLightup Trace Loaded applicationInsights.config from assembly's resource Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Redfield.Lightup, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=f23a46de0be5d6f3/Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Redfield.Lightup.ApplicationInsights-recommended.config
2:42:34 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-FrameworkLightup Trace Successfully attached ApplicationInsights SDK
2:42:34 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace RedfieldIISModule.LoadLightupAssemblyAndGetLightupHttpModuleClass, success, 2687 ms
2:42:34 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace RedfieldIISModule.CreateAndInitializeApplicationInsightsHttpModules(lightupHttpModuleClass), success
2:42:34 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace ManagedHttpModuleHelper, multicastHttpModule.Init() success, 3288 ms
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Resolved variables to: MicrosoftAppInsights_ManagedHttpModulePath='C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Az.ApplicationMonitor\content\Runtime\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.dll', MicrosoftAppInsights_ManagedHttpModuleType='Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.RedfieldIISModule.RedfieldIISModule'
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Resolved variables to: MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModulePath2='', MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModuleType2=''
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace Environment variable 'MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModulePath2' or 'MicrosoftDiagnosticServices_ManagedHttpModuleType2' is null, skipping managed dll loading
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace MulticastHttpModule.constructor, success, 0 ms
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-RedfieldIISModule Trace RedfieldIISModule.CreateAndInitializeApplicationInsightsHttpModules(lightupHttpModuleClass), success
2:42:35 PM EVENT: Microsoft-ApplicationInsights-IIS-ManagedHttpModuleHelper Trace ManagedHttpModuleHelper, multicastHttpModule.Init() success, 0 ms
Timeout Reached. Stopping...