Azure AI Face API error codes

Common error codes

These error codes can be returned by any Face API calls.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Request body is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument JSON parsing error. Bad or unrecognizable request JSON body.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'recognitionModel' is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'detectionModel' is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'name' is empty.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'name' is too long.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'userData' is too long.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'start' is too long.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'top' is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Argument targetFace out of range.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Invalid argument targetFace. Caused by invalid string format or invalid left/top/height/width value.
Bad Request (400) InvalidURL Invalid image URL. Supported formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF(the first frame) and BMP.
Bad Request (400) InvalidURL Invalid image URL or error downloading from target server. Remote server error returned: "An error occurred while sending the request."
Bad Request (400) InvalidImage Decoding error, image format unsupported.
Bad Request (400) InvalidImage No face detected in the image.
Bad Request (400) InvalidImage There is more than 1 face in the image.
Bad Request (400) InvalidImageSize Image size is too small. The valid image file size should be larger than or equal to 1 KB.
Bad Request (400) InvalidImageSize Image size is too big. The valid image file size should be no larger than 6 MB.
Unauthorized (401) 401 Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource.
Forbidden (403) UnsupportedFeature Feature is not supported, missing approval for one or more of the following features: Identification, Verification. Register for access by submitting a registration form.
Conflict (409) ConcurrentOperationConflict There is a conflict operation on resource <resourceName>, please try later.
Too Many Requests (429) 429 Rate limit is exceeded.

Face Detection error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Detection operation.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Invalid argument returnFaceAttributes.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'returnFaceAttributes' is not supported by detection_02.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'returnLandmarks' is not supported by detection_02.
Forbidden (403) UnsupportedFeature Return Attributes (emotion, gender, age, smile, facial hair, hair and makeup) have been deprecated and are no longer supported. Email Azure Face team if you have a responsible use case that would benefit from the use of any of the limited capabilities.

Face Liveness Session error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Liveness Session operations.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Start parameter is invalid. Please specify the 'Id' field of the last entry to continue the listing process.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Top parameter is invalid. Valid range is between 1 and 1000 inclusive.
Bad Request (400) InvalidRequestBody Incorrect request body provided. Please check the operation schema and try again.
Bad Request (400) InvalidTokenLifetime Invalid authTokenTimeToLiveInSeconds specified. Must be within 60 to 86400.
Bad Request (400) InvalidLivenessOperationMode Invalid livenessOperationMode specified. Must be 'Passive'.
Bad Request (400) InvalidDeviceCorrelationId A device correlation ID is required in the request body during session create or session start. Must not be null or empty, and be no more than 64 characters.
Not Found (404) SessionNotFound Session ID is not found. The session ID is expired or does not exist.

Face Identify error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Identify operation.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'recognitionModel' is incompatible.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Person group ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Large person group ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Dynamic person group ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The argument maxNumOfCandidatesReturned is not valid. The valid range is between [1, 100].
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The argument confidenceThreshold is not valid. The valid range is between [0, 1].
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The length of faceIds is not in a valid range. The valid range is between [1, 10].
Bad Request (400) FaceNotFound Face is not found.
Bad Request (400) PersonGroupNotFound Person group is not found.
Bad Request (400) LargePersonGroupNotFound Large person group is not found.
Bad Request (400) DynamicPersonGroupNotFound Dynamic person group is not found.
Bad Request (400) PersonGroupNotTrained Person group not trained.
Bad Request (400) LargePersonGroupNotTrained Large person group not trained.
Bad Request (400) PersonGroupIdAndLargePersonGroupIdBothNotNull Large person group ID and person group ID are both not null.
Bad Request (400) PersonGroupIdAndLargePersonGroupIdBothNull Large person group ID and person group ID are both null.
Bad Request (400) MissingIdentificationScopeParameters No identification scope parameter is present in the request.
Bad Request (400) IncompatibleIdentificationScopeParametersCombination Incompatible identification scope parameters are present in the request.
Conflict (409) PersonGroupTrainingNotFinished Person group is under training.
Conflict (409) LargePersonGroupTrainingNotFinished Large person group is under training.

Face Verify error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Verify operation.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'recognitionModel' is incompatible.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Face ID is invalid. A valid faceId comes from Face - Detect.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Person ID is invalid. A valid personId is generated from Create Person Group Person, Create Large Person Group Person or Person Directory - Create Person.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Person group ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Large person group ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) PersonNotFound Person is not found.
Bad Request (400) PersonGroupNotFound Person Group is not found.
Bad Request (400) LargePersonGroupNotFound Large Person Group is not found.
Not Found (404) FaceNotFound Face is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound No persisted face of the person is found.

Find Similar error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Find Similar operation.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'recognitionModel' is incompatible.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Mode is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Face list ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Large face list ID is invalid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument LargeFaceListId, faceListId and faceIds, not exactly one of them is valid.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument LargeFaceListId, faceListId and faceIds are all null.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 2 or more of largeFaceListId, faceListId and faceIds are not null.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The argument maxNumOfCandidatesReturned is not valid. The valid range is between [1, 1000].
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The length of faceIds is not in a valid range. The valid range is between [1, 1000].
Bad Request (400) FaceNotFound Face is not found.
Bad Request (400) FaceListNotFound Face list is not found.
Bad Request (400) LargeFaceListNotFound Large face list is not found.
Bad Request (400) LargeFaceListNotTrained Large face list is not trained.
Bad Request (400) FaceListNotReady Face list is empty.
Conflict (409) LargeFaceListTrainingNotFinished Large face list is under training.

Face Group error codes

These error codes can be returned by Face Group operation.

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'recognitionModel' is incompatible.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument The length of faceIds is not in a valid range. The valid range is between [2, 1000].

Person Group operations

These error codes can be returned by Person Group operations.

Person Group error codes

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Person group ID is invalid. Valid character is English letter in lower case, digit, '-' or '_'. Maximum length is 64.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person group number reached subscription level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person number reached person group level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person number reached subscription level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Persisted face number reached limit.
Not Found (404) PersonGroupNotFound Person group is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonGroupNotFound Person group ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person <personId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face <faceId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersonGroupNotTrained Person group not trained. This error appears on getting training status of a group which never been trained.
Conflict (409) PersonGroupExists Person group already exists.
Conflict (409) PersonGroupTrainingNotFinished Person group is under training. Try again after training completed.

Large Person Group error codes

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Large person group ID is invalid. Valid character is English letter in lower case, digit, '-' or '_'. Maximum length is 64.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Both 'name' and 'userData' are empty.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Large person group number reached subscription level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person number reached large person group level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person number reached subscription level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Persisted face number reached limit.
Not Found (404) LargePersonGroupNotFound Large person group is not found.
Not Found (404) LargePersonGroupNotFound Large person group ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person <personId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face <faceId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) LargePersonGroupNotTrained Large person group not trained. This error appears on getting training status of a group which never been trained.
Conflict (409) LargePersonGroupExists Large person group already exists.
Conflict (409) LargePersonGroupTrainingNotFinished Large person group is under training. Try again after training completed.

Face List operations

These error codes can be returned by Face List operations.

Face List error codes

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Face list ID is invalid. Valid character is English letter in lower case, digit, '-' or '_'. Maximum length is 64.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Persisted face number reached limit.
Not Found (404) FaceListNotFound Face list is not found.
Not Found (404) FaceListNotFound Face list ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face ID is invalid.
Conflict (409) FaceListExists Face list already exists.

Large Face List error codes

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Large face list ID is invalid. Valid character is English letter in lower case, digit, '-' or '_'. Maximum length is 64.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Both 'name' and 'userData' are empty.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Large Face List number reached limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Persisted face number reached limit.
Not Found (404) LargeFaceListNotFound Large face list is not found.
Not Found (404) LargeFaceListNotFound Large face list ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Large Face List Face <faceId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) LargeFaceListNotTrained Large face list not trained. This error appears on getting training status of a large face list which never been trained.
Conflict (409) LargeFaceListExists Large face list already exists.
Conflict (409) LargeFaceListTrainingNotFinished Large face list is under training. Try again after training completed.

Person Directory operations

These error codes can be returned by Person Directory operations.

Person Directory error codes

Http status code Error code Error message Description
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Recognition model is not supported for this feature.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument 'start' is not valid person ID.
Bad Request (400) BadArgument Both 'name' and 'userData' are empty.
Bad Request (400) DynamicPersonGroupNotFound Dynamic person group ID is invalid.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Person number reached subscription level limit.
Forbidden (403) QuotaExceeded Persisted face number reached limit.
Not Found (404) DynamicPersonGroupNotFound Dynamic person group was not found.
Not Found (404) DynamicPersonGroupNotFound DynamicPersonGroupPersonReference <groupId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person is not found.
Not Found (404) PersonNotFound Person ID is invalid.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted face <faceId> is not found.
Not Found (404) PersistedFaceNotFound Persisted Face ID is invalid.
Conflict (409) DynamicPersonGroupExists Dynamic person group ID <groupId> already exists.

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