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Two papers you want to read if you develop for the .NET Framework using C++

Producing Verifiable Components with Managed Extensions for C++

In Visual Studio .NET 2003, you can generate verifiable components built with Managed Extensions for C++. Currently, the compiler does not generate any warnings if you include nonverifiable constructs in source code. The following guidelines will help you author components that can be compiled into a verifiable component: …

Mixed DLL Loading Problem

Applications using mixed DLLs, a combination of both native and Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) DLLs, created with the Visual C++® .NET and Visual C++ .NET 2003 compiler can encounter deadlock scenarios under some circumstances while being loaded. This document explains the problem in detail, describes the solutions that are expected in the next version of the Visual C++ .NET compiler and the common language runtime (runtime), and provides information about workarounds for the Visual C++ .NET 2002 and the Visual C++ .NET 2003 toolsets. All developers who build DLLs using the Visual C++ .NET compiler option should read this document.
