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Welcome to the Central Region Partner Blog!

Welcome to the Central Region Partner Blog! We are excited to launch this forum to support your Microsoft business in the Central Region and listen to your feedback. We’ll post regularly, and we hope you’ll visit often. This economy continues to pose challenges and we’re all trying to weather it together - coming up with creative ways to maintain service levels while reducing costs. Check out the newly re-launched Big Easy 3.0 incentive, leverage the Small Business Server Standard Discount and the Simplify and Save Offer and use Microsoft Financing to offer your customers affordable and predictable payment options so you can shorten the sales process and drive greater cash flow. Belt-tightening times like these especially call for us to stay connected. We’re running a host of local events to stay in sync with you, including Partner Briefings and Licensing Boot Camps. Contact Us for more details.

We are working hard to help you strengthen your role as a trusted advisor to your customers, and in the upcoming weeks and months we’ll share more. Stay tuned!