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Looking for Fame, Fortune and the American Dream?

How to achieve Fame in the Central Region:

The Central Region Partner team award partners on a semesterly basis for showcasing achievements around areas like partner with other partners, marketing excellence, compete scenarios, sales excellence and various other categories.


Right now, nominations are open for our second half awards. You can nominate your business for a success you’ve had in the last 6 months. After all nominations are recieved, the Area Microsoft Partner team within your geography along with our leaders (Mark Kornegay, Managed Partner GM and Jennifer Heard, RVP) vote who the final award winners will be. This is a fair amount Microsoft folks in the organization voting and viewing the solutions/scenarios/ wins that your submitting. And, I might add, some serious recognition across Microsoft as to what success you've had. All winners are announced, we feature winners on the Portals in MSPP, Area Newsletters and on our Monthly Partner call. You get a press release announcement you can send to local press agencies.


So I encourage you, share with us your great success in partnering to win or marketing excellence and FAME, yes FAME will be yours! week- I’ll work on Fortune J

