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User Ed - The blog of Ed Price, Customer Program Manager

User Ed is a Microsoft blog written by a Customer Program Manager, Ed Price. Ed enjoys Customer Engagement, Experience Design, TechNet Wiki, and general education around Microsoft products.

Small Basic - A First Look at Recursion

A First Look at Recursion First, take a look at these Goto resources: Small Basic - Goto Loops Small...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/20/2015

Small Basic - Using Stacks for Managing the Handshake

Using Stacks to Manage the Handshake The subroutines you wrote in the last few blog posts (Small...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/19/2015

Azure Guru Winners - March 2015

It's time to award our top articles of the month! And below are the Azure Guru results for the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/18/2015

Small Basic - The Triangle Area Calculator

The Three Triangles What: This blog post teaches you how to write interactive programs. The...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/12/2015

Small Basic Subroutines - Input and Output

Subroutine Input and Output In many cases, you might use your subroutine to create some working...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/12/2015

Small Basic - Other Names for Subroutines

Subroutines, Methods, Procedures, and Functions Subroutines are also called different names in other...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/12/2015

Small Basic Subroutines - Abstraction and Information Hiding

Abstraction and Information Hiding What is a subroutine? Think of a subroutine as a black box that...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/12/2015

Small Basic Files

When you click Run after editing your file, Small Basic creates a new version of each one of these...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/11/2015

Small Basic Keywords

Small Basic only has a few keywords (also called reserved words) that have a special meaning to the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/11/2015

Small Basic - The Properties of the TextWindow Object

Table: The properties of the TextWindow object Property Description ForegroundColor Gets or sets the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/10/2015

Small Basic - The If-ElseIf Ladder

The If-ElseIf Ladder Let’s say that you’d like to compute a math formula with three variables: x, y,...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/09/2015

Small Basic - Goto Loops

Goto statements were first used for loops; try out the example code below. And we'll also show you...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/02/2015

Small Basic - Spaghetti Code

What is Spaghetti Code? As Yan mentioned, an old friend once said, "Spaghetti is best served on your...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/02/2015

Small Basic Example - Evaluating Math Functions

Evaluating Math Functions In this example, you’ll use nested if conditions to solve a math...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/02/2015

Small Basic 1.1 on TechNet Wiki

For the first time in Forever (if we measure Forever as being 3 years, 8 months, and 15 days; here's...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 04/02/2015

Small Basic - Avoiding the Else

Avoiding the Else Let’s say you want to create a program that monitors the state of a system...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/31/2015

Small Basic - About Fonts

About Fonts A font’s a group of characters that share a style, called a typeface. For example,...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/29/2015

Small Basic - About Hexadecimal Pen and Brush Colors

You can set RGB colors using the BrushColor property of the GraphicsWindow object. Every...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/29/2015

Small Basic - How to change the thickness and color of your lines

First of all, drop in this code to draw a line: GraphicsWindow.Title = "Line Time"...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/26/2015

Small Basic - Changing Properties

Changing Properties You can change many TextWindow properties, but not all properties can be...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/25/2015

Small Basic - Make it Easy to Read

Small Basic gives you a lot of freedom to format the different statements in your source code. For...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/25/2015

Binary Operators in Small Basic

When learning Small Basic (and most all programming languages), you'll need to know a few quick...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/23/2015

Small Basic Objects Example: The Microwave

A Word About Objects When learning about Small Basic, you’ll see the words...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/22/2015

Small Basic - Mutual Exclusion

A Note on Mutual Exclusion You could write a square root program like this: 1...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/18/2015

Small Basic - When is an Equal Sign (=) a comparison?

When an equal sign (=) appears in a logical expression, it means it’s a comparison, not an...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/18/2015

Small Basic Example: Leap Year Checker

Leap Year Checker Overview For example, let’s say you want to create a program that checks whether a...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/17/2015

Power BI for iPad and iPhone - Now available Worldwide!!!

The "Power BI for iOS" mobile app is now available worldwide! With today's announcement of Power BI...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/16/2015

Small Basic - "True" String

As it turns out, Small Basic gives a special treatment to the string "True". In Small Basic, the...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/16/2015

If Statements are like Rollercoasters

If Statements are like Rollercoasters Think of the If statement as a detour in the flow of a...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/15/2015


Flowcharts (also called block diagrams or logic diagrams) use symbols help you visualize the logical...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/15/2015

Small Basic: Relational Operators & Strings

The Other Relational Operators Small Basic was designed to strip out as much as it can (it...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/14/2015

New Power Map Features - Coming Soon!

The Power Map team recently released this video to advertise upcoming features! Check it out: But...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/13/2015

3 new reasons to love Power Query!

Here they are: Performance improvements Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online connector New transformations...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 03/05/2015

DevScope's awesome PowerShell module for Power BI API's

Check out DevScope's awesome PowerShell module for Power BI API's on GitHub:...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/27/2015

Updated Whitepaper: Introducing Microsoft BI Reporting and Analysis Tools

On this white paper:...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/26/2015

Small Basic Quiz 13 - Getting Loopy

First, we'll start with the questions: What are the two types of loops that Small Basic supports?...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/25/2015

Small Basic Exercise: Counting Garage Sale Money

Eve’s mom is running a garage sale. Eve wants to earn some money, so she sets up a table to...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/24/2015

Small Basic: Trigonometric Methods

Trigonometric Methods The Math object supports the trigonometric methods in Table 6-2. The arguments...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/23/2015

Small Basic: GetRandomNumber( ) - Is it really random?

Is it really random? The output of the GetRandomNumber() method isn’t really random because...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/23/2015

Small Basic: Remainder with Negative Numbers

The Remainder(x,y) method’s usually used when both x and y are positive integers. Although...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/23/2015

Small Basic Rounding Methods: Digging Deeper

The Math object gives you three methods to round numbers! We explain these methods in the Table...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/22/2015

Small Basic Quiz 06 - Input & Math

Welcome to another Small Basic quiz! Leave comments with any questions or requests for hints! List...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/22/2015

Small Basic: Silly Shakespeare Program

Welcome to the Silly Shakespeare program! The way this works is simple. Just paste this into Small...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/18/2015

Small Basic Quiz 05 - Turtle Object

For this quiz, we're going to dig into the Turtle Object! Here are your questions: How do you first...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/16/2015

Small Basic Quiz 03

Welcome to Small Basic Quiz #3! Here are the questions: When would you want to use the DrawLine()...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/15/2015

Insert vs Draw

In programming, are you inserting an image or drawing it? To the programmer, you're really just...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 02/15/2015

Small Basic Turtle Object - 5 Practice Exercises!

Here are five Practice Exercises for the Small Basic Turtle Object! 1. Write a program that draws...

Author: Ed Price - MSFT Date: 01/31/2015

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