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Steve’s Newsletter – May 2011

I receive a lot of email each week from you asking very specific, and valuable questions. It’s my hope that a newsletter like this will help me communicate important announcements, tips/tricks, and other items to help you and your team ultimately be more successful! Whenever I post a new newsletter, I will send email notifications to those of you who would like to be contacted. If you don’t want to receive email notifications, just let me know !


Events & Training


Final Thoughts

Microsofties in my role predominantly cover specific geographies in order to load balance resources across a region. For example, my geography covers Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, and southern Nevada. Beginning in a few weeks, I’ll be expanding my reach into certain parts on Southern California – my old stomping grounds where I worked from 2005 to 2007 – I look forward to re-connecting with my old customers and colleagues!