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Recap of the social media for non-profits event at Microsoft Silicon Valley

If social media has done one thing, it’s given individuals and organizations of all sizes an equal playing field to voice and amplify their opinion, cause, or brand message to anyone who is willing to listen. Non-profits in particular have been taking advantage of social media outlets to share messaging, inspire volunteers, and raise funds. This trend has resulted in some great case studies, a few of which were shared yesterday at the social media for non-profits event (standing room only!) at the Microsoft Silicon Valley campus.

Sitting amongst the hundreds of attendees were the conference speakers, hailing from Facebook, LinkedIn, EventBrite, Goodwill, Fundly,, and Koodooz. They shared their insights and tips around what non-profits could do to fully leverage the power of social media to support their non-profit’s mission.

A full recap of the event can be found on this Storify from the event organizers. You can view all the slideshow presentations, insights, learnings, tips & tricks, photos, and tweets that came out of the full day of sessions and networking.

Microsoft Silicon Valley was honored to host and sponsor this event because one of our major initiatives is to partner with non-profits to help them have a bigger impact in their communities. We want to empower non-profits by providing them with opportunities that allow them to hear from industry leaders, share insights, and learn from each other’s case studies. We also invest in volunteerism and product grants for non-profits so that we can support the organizations with our time and technology.

We were live tweeting all day from @MicrosoftSV and monitoring the #sm4np hashtag stream. It was thrilling to see so many attendees sharing their thoughts and experiences with us in real-time. Thank you to those who started conversations with us through Twitter, we hope to only build on these relationships. Kudos to Social Media for Non-profits on a successful event!