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It's that time of the year again...Conference Season!

Sure, CES was a blast and you got to see some cool toys, but you really didn't get to learn anything about how to build them yourself, did you?  Or, maybe you're new to Windows SideShow and just want to see what all the hoopla is about?  Well, have no fear, we're coming to a city near you (as long as you're in the US or Asia...apologies to the Europeans, we'll get there eventually).  So pack your bags, register for your conference pass, and head on over to learn about what's new with us.

Mobile and Embedded DevCon 2007 (MEDC): Las Vegas, NV, April 30 - May 3

First stop, MEDC 2007 in Las Vegas.  We've got a special surprise (or two) to share, so come on by and say hello in the expo hall.  In addition, we'll have two sessions, and two hands-on-labs!

  • APP202: Building Innovative Devices for Windows SideShow
    • Summary: Windows SideShow is new to Windows Vista and provides users with quick access to data on a wide variety of devices, including laptop lid displays, digital picture frames, remote controls and other connected devices. This session contains demos of a wide variety of Windows SideShow-compatible devices and discusses opportunities for building them using the .NET Micro Framework, Windows Mobile, and Windows CE.
  • APP319: Writing Gadgets for Windows SideShow
    • Summary: Windows SideShow(tm) (formerly codenamed "Auxiliary Display") is new to Windows Vista and provides users quick access to data even when their PC is turned off. It targets many classes of devices including laptop lid displays, digital picture frames, remote controls, and other connected devices. A set of APIs are provided that allow applications to easily send data to Windows SideShow devices. This session demonstrates the basics of creating an application that sends data to auxiliary displays using these APIs and the tools available in the Windows Vista Platform SDK.
  • HOL: Writing Gadgets for Windows SideShow (C++)
  • HOL: Writing Gadgets for Windows SideShow (C#)
    • Summary: Learn how to use the new Windows SideShow APIs in Windows Vista to display data from the PC on connected devices. The lab will walk you through the introductory steps of getting started using the APIs and tools, including the provided software simulator. The lab will show you how to install and register your gadget for Windows SideShow to then be able to take data from the PC and send and manage this data on devices. By the end of this lab, you should be able to write a simple stand alone gadget to pull data from any source and send it down to devices compatible with Windows SideShow.

We'll be taking some of these sessions overseas, as well:

MEDC Taiwan: May 29 - May 30

Want to learn how to write gadgets for Windows SideShow?  We'll be repeating APP319: Writing Gadgets for Windows SideShow in Taiwan.

MEDC Japan: June 6

If you'd rather learn more about how you can build devices for Windows SideShow, we'll be repeating APP202: Building Innovative Devices for Windows SideShow in Tokyo.

WinHEC 2007: Los Angeles, CA, May 14 - May 17

As always, WinHEC is an opportunity for us to showcase our latest and greatest innovations and concept designs, and we expect this year to be no different.  Come join us for Enriching Devices with Windows SideShow (CON-T427) as we guide you through the newest and most exciting crop of devices yet.  While you're there, be sure to also swing by our booth in the Microsoft Pavilion in the Expo Hall.  If you can't make it to Los Angeles, we'll be repeating the session at all three Asian locations:

  • WinHEC Taipei, June 13-14
  • WinHEC Tokyo, June 18-19
  • WinHEC Beijing, June 21-22

We look forward to seeing you at one or many of the above events!  If you'd like to meet with us in a quieter setting during the events, please send me and e-mail and we can work to set something up.  Thank you all for your past and continued support--we really love showcasing our (and your) work at these events!

- Dan