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Bill Buxton on Design Thinking

Coincidental to my post on High and Low Fidelity prototyping, I only just found (thanks to Will Tschumy) this interview with Bill Buxton (of Sketching User Interfaces fame) on Microsoft's "Channel 9" about design thinking. Bill is passionate about really low-fidelity prototyping, principally because it allows the freedom to explore many ideas quickly, and without emotional attachment.

linesthatdontmeet Bill talks about how architects sketches are deliberately lo-fi - lines don't meet up properly etc. This is a part of the vocabulary. That reminded me of a project I worked on with Gerry Gaffney and Patrizia Bordignon a while back. Gerry and Patrizia looked at me strangely when I tried to put together a wireframe template in PowerPoint which had buttons and text boxes where the lines didn't match up! In retrospect I don't think we really got the benefit we were looking for...

I'll be talking about design thinking at my AIMIA talk next week.
