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More LINQ news items

I blogged earlier with some of the early news items and feedback on Language Integrated Query (LINQ).  Here are some newer ones:

  • ComputerWorld: .Net creator sees developer future with Linq.  "As the man credited with creating .Net, Anders Hejlsberg has been in charge of making it easier for developers to build increasingly complex applications for years...With a new technology called .Net Language Integrated Query, or Linq, introduced by Microsoft Corp. at its Professional Developers Conference (PDC) Tuesday, Hejlsberg said the software maker has taken another step forward toward solving a common problem for developers: how to integrate various sources of data into applications built with object-oriented programming models. "
  • eWeek: Microsoft Previews Key Platform Technology. "The LINQ project, a tool set for the .Net Framework that enables developers to more easily access data, is a set of language extensions to C# and visual Basic. It presents a unified programming model for querying XML, objects, relational data and other data types, said Anders Hejlsberg, a Microsoft distinguished engineer who authored the technology. "
  • InfoWorld: A Podcast with Bill Gates from PDC.  "Q&A: Bill Gates spoke with Jon Udell at the Professional Developers Conference, and their discussion is posted as a podcast. "  I haven't had a chance to listen to this yet, but Anders tells me that there is a lengthy section where Bill talks about LINQ.
  • First Sliced Bread, Now Microsoft LINQ?  "Amid the flood of details about Windows Vista, Office 12, Sparkle and Longhorn Server made at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference this week, one small announcement could have a huge impact on developers. "
  • Microsoft Announces LINQ at PDC 2005.  "During PDC 2005’s opening keynote Microsoft announced the development of the LINQ project (.NET Language Integrated Query), a set of standard query operators for use in working with data regardless of the data source. This feature combined with an extension for querying XML data (XLinq) and SQL Databases (DLinq) allow data to be queried, manipulated, and persisted using language constructs instead of ADO.NET. "

