What is a Troop?
Now usually I watch the evil tube to escape reality (that is why I don’t get reality shows ). Yet, I do Tivo one show just for a laugh / thought and it is only for the last 5 minutes. The show is 60 Minutes and the only thing I watch every week is Andy Rooney. This week I can not believe that media finally realized how much the media abuses the English language. The one that I have been waiting on is “troops”. All my family on my father’s side have been in the military except for me. I was wondering when someone besides me was going to realize that a Troop is a group of soldiers, not one
Now playing: 311 - Starshines
- Anonymous
May 16, 2005
I believe that troops is short for troopers. The entry at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troop seems to agree. - Anonymous
May 16, 2005
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=troop - Anonymous
May 16, 2005
I'm still waiting for the media/government (who started it)/world in general to realize that "impact" is a noun and not a verb. - Anonymous
May 19, 2005
Classic, just classic.