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Python, Java, Ruby, Oh My! Silverlight Alpha 1.1 ships with Dynamic Language Support

by MichaelF on April 30, 2007 04:45pm


Mix 07 kicked off today with keynotes from Ray Ozzie and Scott Guthrie.  Amongst announcements regarding media and Silverlight Scott Guthrie announced the release of a cross-platform version of the .NET framework within Silverlight Alpha 1.1.  Included is a Dynamic Language Runtime that allows developers to use languages such as Python, Java and Ruby to program in Silverlight.

I could drone on about this but we decided to go sit down with two of the individuals who contributed to this effort:  Jim Hugunin and John Lam instead.  Jim, who we interviewed before, gives us some insight into this announcement including some information about new MS-PL releases to Codeplex tied to this announcement (Hint:  IronPython 2.0).

Later today, we will post the second interview with John Lam.


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