La keynote di Bill Gates a TechEd 2008 - Dev
Ieri si è aperto TechEd 2008 - Developers ad Orlando - Fla.
La keynote è stata tenuta da Bill Gates e la potete rivedere qui.
Bill Gates ha detto diverse cose interessanti, ma volevo sottolineare un paio di passaggi che mi hanno particolarmente colpito, relativo ai web services, ai datacenter e alla loro gestione "green":
Now to make these services reliable, to make it easy to call them, to provide the kind of security that you want, there are a lot of new developments that have had to take place, things like identity federation. Things like the protocols that you see in the WS* standards, and that we've made easy to get to through the Communication Framework libraries. We're taking everything we do at the server level, and saying that we will have a service that mirrors that exactly. The simplest one of those is to say, okay, I can run Exchange on premise, or I can connect up to it as a service. But even at the BizTalk level, we'll have BizTalk Services. For SQL, we'll have SQL Server Data Services, and so you can connect up, build the database. It will be hosted in our cloud with the big, big data center, and geo-distributed automatically. This is kind of fascinating because it's getting us to think about data centers at a scale that never existed before. Literally today we have, in our data center, many hundreds of thousands of servers, and in the future we'll have many millions of those servers.
When you think about the design of how you bring the power in, how you deal with the heating, what sort of sensors do you have, what kind of design do you want for the motherboard, you can be very radical, in fact, come up with some huge improvements as you design for this type of scale.
You'll have hybrids that will be very straightforward. If you want to use it just for an overload condition, or disaster recovery, but the software advances to make it so when you write your software you don't have to care where those things are located, those are already coming into play.
Bhe... il mondo sta veramente cambiando e credo che anche il ruolo dei sistemisti (degli IT Pro come li chiamiamo in Microsoft) cambierà.
Io penso che chi fa questo lavoro debba iniziare a pensare come evolverà, come cambierà il suo ruolo in azienda, quali sono le nuove competenze che sarà (che è) necessario acquisire.
Voi che ne dite?
Technorati Tags: Microsoft,GreenIT,Software+Service
January 01, 2003
@Daniele Grazie per la tua opinione, ampiamente condivisibile. GiorgioAnonymous
January 01, 2003
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