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Open Source World Summit in Beijing: Developing a Thriving OSS Ecosystem in China

Posted by Cindy Dong
Microsoft China

The 9th annual Open Source China Open Source World Summit concluded in Beijing on Saturday. The two-day event kicked off on Friday and brought together major open source software (OSS) organizations, including the Linux Foundation, Open Source Initiative, and Apache Software Foundation, to focus on this year’s theme: Mobile, Smart, Open, Innovation.

 Langshen Yun, Managing Director of Microsoft Open Technologies Shanghai (MS Open Tech Shanghai), keynoted with a speech titled “Open Technology and Open Source.” Lang said that the major components of openness are open source, community, open standards, and interoperability. He introduced MS Open Tech’s current projects, including .NET Foundation, various OSS projects on Microsoft Azure, and engagement with 150+ standard organizations. He also mentioned several projects that the China team has been working on.

Gianugo Rabellino, MS Open Tech Senior Director of Open Source Communities, also spoke as the VP of the Apache Software Foundation, delivering a unique speech on how to build a healthy and thriving OSS ecosystem. This was a great opportunity for the China OSS communities to learn best practices from one of the world’s leading OSS organizations. Gianugo shared a study by Henrik Ingo and discussed the processes of the ASF, which are extremely valuable to China OSS communities. It was also fun to learn that Gianugo was first a lawyer and then became an OSS geek 20 years ago.
Representatives from Alibaba, Huawei, Ubuntu, Deepin (a China Linux distribution), CS2C (another Linux distribution in China), HP, Lenovo, and Intel also gave updates of their OSS projects.

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