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Silverlight : I guess it is all in the name, ( I mean in the version )

I guess it is all in the name, ( I mean in the version ), but today we announced a few changes around Silverlight. Silverlight 1.1 was originally intended as an incremental release, but there have been quite a few people dropping things into the hopper, which has meant that it never was able to make a v-next rev 3-5 months after the first release.

With all the new features, .NET framework support still being the highest, the next version is going to be called Silverlight 2.0. At the same time we will commit to releasing a Silverlight 2.0 beta with a Go Live in the first quarter of next year.

So what will be in SL 2.0? Scott has provided a few more details, but the real cool thing is still .NET Framework support, .NET framework support and .NET framework support.

So far the vote on Silverlight has been a bit mixed with posts like the following from the Adobe lovers, but generally it has had an credible start for a V1 product. With V2, I think that we have learned a lot and will be a lot, lot better.

Until then watch Ice Cube.
