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Calendarios en Project Server [Parte 2]

Nuestro amigo Juan Pablo Pussacq Laborde nos comparte su artículo:

Calendarios en Project Server [Parte 2]

In the previous article, we made an introduction to the concepts on the management of calendars in Project Server. We also explain how to set up and impact may have to make changes to the same.
In this second part, we present a series of SQL queries that allow for an analysis of the use of calendars in our installation of Project Server. Some queries uses custom fields that may not be present in your installation. If so, they only have to delete that section.
It is important to make these queries only in test environments, since they are accessing the database of Published, action not supported by Microsoft.
I hope are useful:

I hope are useful:

/ ** Corporate calendars ** /


SelectCAL_NAME calendar


whereCAL_NAME is not null

order by calendar

/ ** Calendar projects ** /

Ver más aquí.

Fernando García Loera (Community Program Manager – Latin America Region)

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