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Two Road Shows at the same time...

A long time ago when I wrote my last blog entry, but I am still very busy. Actually we Alex and I are on-the-road again. In my case I am doing two road shows at the same time... Big>Days 2004 developer track and ASP.NET for Web Developers.

On the Big>Days I am doing the developer track together with Alex. It is all about .NET Framework securtiy ... that means details about IPrincipal / IIdentity and some patterns when using this interfaces, Code Access Security as well as ASP.NET security. But the funniest part is the key note where I demonstrate the possible implications of a poorly written application with a SQL injection vulnerability and a poorly configured or not well designed network infrastructure. Well ... I only can say ... if you don't keep the fundamentals in detail all those security mechanisms we introduce in the developer track are useless ... because finally if you have a vulnerability like SQL injection in your app, your whole app or even the whole network is vulnerable as a puppy dog.

The second road show is all about ASP.NET. Together with Christian Wenz I am on the road throughout Austria explaining the fundamentals as well as free and commercial tools for ASP.NET ... it is really funny with Christian because he is very ready witted:-) ... just great.

I hope that I'll have more time for blogging after those road shows ...