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Online Video available to answer BSA questions

Based on the earlier post we did about the $50,000 reward the Business Software Alliance is currently offering for qualified information on illegal, counterfeit, or under-licensed software, there have been several questions around:

  1. Who is the Business Software Alliance? (BSA)
  2. What do they do?
  3. Do they really come in and audit?
  4. What software do they look for?
  5. What do I need to know?
  6. Do they provide any assistance to help companies get legal?
  7. How do I report someone using or selling illegal, counterfeit, or under-licensed software?

The BSA has a short online video on their site that answers these questions and provides some additional information. If you have just a few minutes, I would highly recommend watching the online video today.

Thank you and have a wonderful day,

Eric Ligman
Microsoft US Senior Manager
Small Business Community Engagement
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