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Microsoft Developer Webcasts This Week: Visual Studio 2008, 24-hrs of SQL 2008, SAP, WPF, WCF, AJAX, Silverlight

We have a full schedule of developer webcasts this week. Topics include the 24-hours of SQL 2008 Series and an overview of Visual Studio 2008 series by Zain Naboulsi. Early Tuesday morning is a developing .NET Applications with SAP Enterprise Explorer webcast. Lots of great content and if you can’t view them live make sure you come back an view them on-demand. Other topics include Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX, WCF, WPF, SharePoint and geekSpeak on Silverlight.

MSDN Webcast: 24 Hours of SQL Server 2008: Streamline Data Access with SQL Server 2008 (Level 100)

We explore the new features in SQL Server 2008 that the developers are excited about and we focus on T-SQL improvements, such as MERGE, the Table Valued Parameters feature that lets data rows be passed as parameters to stored procedures, in addition to Date/Time, Intellisense, and multi server T_SQL. Presenter: Ron Cundiff,

3/10/2008 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration:60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Windows Communication Foundation Web-Centric Capabilities in .NET Framework 3.5 (Level 100)

In this session, we cover the new design and development features in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system for creating rich Web applications. Topics include the new cascading style sheets (CSS) and HTML design tools, the much improved Javascript Intellisense and debugging support, and the new Microsoft ASP.NET 3.5 controls supporting Microsoft .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). Presenter: Rob Bagby

3/10/2008 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration:60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Classes in the .NET Framework 3.5 (Level 200)

With the release of the new Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 there are a lot of new features to learn. In this session, we take a high-level look at the myriad new classes and show what some of them can do for you today. Presenter : Zain Naboulsi

3/10/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Developing .NET Applications with SAP Enterprise Explorer for Visual Studio (Level 200)

In this webcast, the Microsoft SAP Alliance team presents several approaches to creating Microsoft .NET Framework applications with the SAP Enterprise Services Explorer for .NET. This product, developed by SAP with the assistance of Microsoft, enables developers working with the Microsoft Visual Studio development system to quickly build .NET Framework solutions. Juergen Dailberl, technical evangelist, and Dudu Benabou, architect, demonstrate SAP Enterprise Explorer and show how you can use it to quickly create applications that can dramatically improve the productivity of SAP users.

3/11/2008 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Pacific Time (US & Canada)| Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Features in Visual Studio 2008 (Level 200)

In this webcast, we discuss some of the key new features that make the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system great! Join this high-level overview of the product as we focus on the philosophy behind the new features and demonstrate how they compare to Microsoft Visual Studio 2005. Presenter:Zain Naboulsi

3/11/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration:90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: 24 Hours of SQL Server 2008: Manage Your Unstructured Data with SQL Server 2008 (Level 100)

Join this session as we look at the FILESTREAM attribute and Remote BLOB Store API features in SQL Server 2008 as potential solutions to this problem. We cover the differences from large unstructured data storage in Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and then explore the new SQL Server 2008 features in detail, while explaining how to implement them. Presenter : Ron Cundiff

3/12/2008 9:00 AM -10:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Designers in Visual Studio 2008 (Level 200)

In this session, we take a deeper look at some of the key new features in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system. In this lesson, we look at the many new designers that come with the product. Designers are the key to Rapid Application Development and here we illustrate how to accelerate your coding efforts. Presenter : Zain Naboulsi

3/12/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN geekSpeak Webcast: Building Animations in Silverlight with Cal Schrotenboer (Level 200)

In this geekSpeak, we address one of the most impressive features of Microsoft Silverlight - its support for animations. Cal Schrotenboer covers common issues related to building animations for Silverlight, as well as a review of the limitations which apply to Silverlight animations in comparison to the broader Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) animation technology. Guest Presenter: Cal Schrotenboer, C# Developer 3/12/2008 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time | Duration:60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: SharePoint Server 2007 and Authentication (Level 100)

In this session, we cover the basics of how to use the authentication and membership providers. We look at how to create a custom provider, and how Windows CardSpace can be used to log in to your Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 site. During this webcast, we also discuss the advanced tools available in Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.0 for configuring and deploying SharePoint Server 2007. Presenter:Mike Benkovich

3/13/2008 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Using LINQ with Relational Data (Level 100)

One of the most common forms of data used in applications today continues to be relational data that is stored in various database systems such as Microsoft SQL Server. In this session, learn about the flavors of LINQ that are designed to access relational data including LINQ to SQL, LINQ to Datasets, and LINQ to Entities. Presenter: Rob Bagby

3/13/2008 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Tools in Visual Studio 2008 (Level 200)

Join us as we take a look at the new tools that come with the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system and explain how they can impact your world. Often, we do not have time to explore just what a great tool Visual Studio 2008 is. Much like the Microsoft Office products, we tend to only use a small percentage of what is available. In this session, we look at some of the key tools and describe why they are important to you.Presenters:Zain Naboulsi

3/13/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Introduction to ASP.NET AJAX (Level 100)

Join this session to learn how to you can use Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX to build a richer, more responsive user experience. Topics include partial rendering, Web services, structured scripting, and integration with Microsoft Silverlight. Presenter : Dave Bost

3/14/2008 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Pacific Time | Duration: 60 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Building WPF Applications in Visual Studio 2008 and Expression Blend (Level 100)

Join us to learn how to build Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) applications with the help of the new WPF designer in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. In this session, we focus on the construction of a real-world application demonstrating how to get the best out of the designer's capabilities. Learn the basics of building WPF applications in the Visual Studio 2008 WPF designer, have a clear view on when you should work in XAML code and on the Visual Studio design surface to build your WPF application, and see how you can use Microsoft Expression Blend in conjunction with Visual Studio 2008 WPF designer. Presenter: Marc Schweigert

3/14/2008 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

MSDN Webcast: Overview of New Features for Windows Applications (Level 200)

Are you a Windows application developer? Then this session is for you! Here we take a fresh look at how the functionality in the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 development system empowers Windows developers and helps them create better applications.Presenters : Zain Naboulsi

3/14/2008 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Pacific Time | Duration: 90 Minutes

Webcast Series (by product):

Developer Webcasts:


Scott Lum
