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Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 - Enterprise Edition

Today Microsoft will release to the Web the final version of Virtual Server 2005 R2 service pack 1. Available at no charge, this service pack adds support for hardware-assisted virtualization and improved backup services and compatibility.  A new feature to the service pack is Volume Shadow Services, which provides customers with improved support for backup and disaster recovery. Instead of scheduling downtime for backing up each virtual machine individually, customers will now be able to take snapshot backups of physical machines, with no downtime, that will in turn take snapshots of all the virtual machines on that physical host.

"Taking advantage of features available in Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1, Citrix will virtualize out-of-warranty servers running Solaris and standardize those virtual images on our main hardware platform. This process will ultimately lower our cost of ownership and the level of support from required from multiple vendors," said Dimitri Mundarain, datacenter services and IT operationsmanager of Citrix Systems, Inc.

Virtual Server 2005 R2 SP1 also supports host clustering, which offers customers minimal downtime depending on the speed of storage and amount of memory assigned to a virtual machine. Host clustering is storage agnostic, comes with Windows Server 2003 Enterprise or Datacenter editions, and is a high-availability solution for both planned and unplanned downtime. And with System Center Virtual Machine Manager, downloadable today as a beta 2 version, customers will have tools for high availability migration.

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