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Word Clouds in PowerPoint with PowerShell

James has really outdone himself here – he’s built a PowerShell script that will create lovely word clouds (ala Wordle but without quite so many options) directly into PowerPoint. This means you have something you can easily adjust afterwards (rather than just an image) and of course PowerPoint is often where you’d use these types of picture anyway. (It also doesn’t require Java which I’m not prepared to install just for Wordle). This is in addition to the various PowerShell Twitter scripts James has created (if you want to create some visual representation of tweets, James’s scripts are ideal and he describes how to do that in his post).

Here I’ve taken the press release for one of the developer keynotes at PDC09 and created a word cloud from it.


I love it. I did think (briefly) about trying to convert it to a WPF app but after looking at the script I think I’ll leave it to James :)

Technorati Tags: powerpoint,powershell,word cloud,wordle