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GPO Packs in MDT 2013 U1 for Windows 10

Hello all,


Similar to the article here , if anyone has tried to apply a GPO Pack using MDT 2013 U1 (6.3.8298.1000) for Windows 10, it fails with an rc=1 error, which means invalid function.

The reason is again because ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf does not contain code to handle Windows 10.  Also, GPOPack.wsf, a script that is obtained from installing LGPO on a machine, does not contain code to handle Windows 10. 

So how can we use ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf to apply a GPO Pack using MDT 2013 U1? Don’t worry, I ran into this brick wall this past week as I was helping a customer of mine who needed to apply a GPO Pack in their image build for Windows 10 in MDT 2013 U1. 


Attached to this blog is a zip file that contains an updated ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf and GPOPack.wsf file that includes the lines of code needed for you to be able to apply GPO Packs to Windows 10 in MDT 2013 U1.  For ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf, replace the ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf in your current deployment share Scripts folder with the ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf file attached in the zip file in this blog. For GPOPack.wsf, add or replace this file in your %DeployRoot%\Templates\GPOPacks\%GPOPack% source folder in your deployment share with the GPOPack.wsf file attached in the zip file in this blog.  Then ensure you update your GPOPackPath variable in CustomSettings.ini to the name of the GPO Pack you want to apply in your task sequence.  Once complete, update your deployment share and that’s it.  If you have an Apply Local GPO Package in your task sequence, it will be applied to your Windows 10 machine successfully.


For more information on how to create a GPO Backup, reference this blog here

For more information on how to create a GPO Pack, reference Brandon Linton’s fantastic blog on how to do this here


And now, the obligatory disclaimer:

© 2016 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Sample scripts in this blog are not supported under any Microsoft standard support program or service. The sample scripts are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of the use or performance of the sample scripts and documentation remains with you. In no event shall Microsoft, its authors, or anyone else involved in the creation, production, or delivery of the scripts be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use the sample scripts or documentation, even if Microsoft has been advised of the possibility of such damages.



  • Anonymous
    November 01, 2016
    MattWe are having this issue however, installing on Windows 7. The ZTIApplyGPOPack.wsf runs on a VM and locally but returns this same error on the physical machine during deployment. Can you offer any suggestions as we tried running it with your attach scripts but it did not resolve the issue.