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Malawi 2.0 – Microsoft CSS working to provide clean water

A team of 10 volunteers from Microsoft Customer Service and Support in Europe and North America have just set off for Malawi as the “On the Ground” team of the 2012 Microsoft Customer Service and Support Malawi Citizenship project. The aim of the project is to improve access to clean water for the Malawi population in the Thyolo district. The project is split into two parts – a fundraising team and an on the ground team assisting with the installation of water pumps. The fundraising project is run in partnership with Concern Universal, a non-governmental humanitarian aid organization and the aim is to fund additional boreholes and water pumps to supply clean water for 2500 people. The on the ground team are helping to provide IT skills and knowledge through hands on training to students and teachers.

You can visit the facebook page for the project to learn more and stay up to date with what is happening.

If you would like to contribute financially you can find the fundraising page here:

Below is a map showing the existing pump locations:

View Larger MapDriving Directions

You can watch this inspiring video to find out what last year's CSS Malawi team got up to:

Thank you for your support!