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Screencast: System Center 2012 Unified Installer (Part 1 of 3)

Like many of you, I’ve been playing with the Release Candidate of System Center 2012.  And also like many of you, I have heard that there is something called the “Unified Installer”, that supposedly will allow a person to install many – or even all – of the components of System Center 2012 on to multiple servers. 

“Really? That’s cool.”

Hey! You! Get onto my Private Cloud!Yeah, that’s what I thought, too.  But after looking at it for a bit, I came to realize quickly that it wasn’t really as straightforward as just launching a Setup.exe and clicking Next –> Next –> Next –> Install –> Finish.  In fact, it requires no small amount of thought and pre-work to get things downloaded, extracted, and configured properly prior to ever launching the Unified Installer.

In other words: It was a set of screencasts just screaming to be created.  Smile

So that’s what I’ve done.  Here is Part 1, where I describe how to download and extract the components, plus download and prepare the prerequisites that are, um.. pre-required. 

NOTE: It is viewed best in full-screen, and 1280x768 if you can.

As promised, here are the links mentioned in the screencast:


Did you find this useful? Are you going to do this install along with me? Let us know in the comments. And I’ll see you back here tomorrow for Part 2.