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Update : Microsoft My Phone software included on Windows Phones

 Updated version is out now :

MyPhone Update 1.6.2718.0001

This update will automatically install the next time you sign in to the service.

As usual, this update is Mandatory and will require a soft-reset after instalation.

I will keep you posted as new versions come out.

Post Original :

Long time awaited, the new Windows Phones are ready for market.

These new devices will be delivered by industry's best manufacturers in accordance to our guidelines. On this new release, we are adding the Microsoft My Phone tool, developed in Portugal, that I will talk in detail.

Microsoft My Phone is a small program that is installed on your Windows Phone by entering this site, . This will require some easy configuration steps, that will make easier to recover from any problem that you might have, such as loosing the Device or Hard-Reset it, without baking up your data.

With My Phone you can do that. You can go ahead and completely erase the device. Once you start your Windows Phone again, and installed My Phone, just Sync and you will have everything back. Nice Work.

Now let's talk about the supported types of contents that My Phone can address :

  • Contacts
  • Calendar appointments
  • Tasks
  • Text (SMS) messages
  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Documents
  • Music

I had a practical experiment with My Phone where I have deleted the SMS on my device and then I synched. Could have been worst if it wasn't for the "Deleted Items" that act has the "Recycle Bin", from where you can recover the data.

There is only a small thing that you should be aware of... the Storage limit is currently 200 Mb. So, if we are planning to back everything up, you must choose the data wisely. However, 200 Mb can contain a lot of data, but with all the SD cards reaching the 8 and 16 Gb in size, this can be rapidly filled.

If you have the need to buy a new phone you can simply browse to My Phone site and add this new device to your existing My Phone account. When you turn the device on and install My Phone client, it will restore everything. Well, everything, except the programs you had installed.

I should refer that My Phone uses your phone's internet connection, so it will be better to go for a flat-rate data plan.

I will keep posting as news regarding Windows Phones come out.

In the mean time, take the time to read our press-release regarding Windows Phones.

Have a nice week,

João Ribeiro