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Exchange Deployment Assistant - ExDeploy 2010

Almost three months have passed since the Exchange Server 2010 was released to the "Enterprise World" and most of world's IT administrators are starting to analyze ROI and benefits of this new version.

This is very reconfortant to know, since we, at Microsoft, have just made the life easier to each and single IT administrator when it comes to deploy this new version, by releasing the Exchange Deployment Assistant.

This new web-based tool will walk you through all the scenarios to upgrade from Exchange 2003, Exchange 2007 and Exchange 2003/ Exchange 2007 Mixed to Exchange 2010 or even simply perform a new installation of Exchange Server 2010.

Though this tool is currently available for the Upgrade from Exchange Server 2003, as the others are greyed out, it is really good to have a step-by-step, customized by your input and your organization specific needs.

For transitioning from an Exchange 2007 environment to Exchange 2010, you can use :

The tool can be found at :

Exchange Deployment Assistant

As it's becoming more and more usual customers have a link to provide Feedback for the tool and it's usability.

Hope you like the tool.

Happy Holidays