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Bill Gates to give VSLive/SpeechTek keynote on Microsoft Speech Server and Speech Application SDK

Someone on the marketing team just drew my attention to this page.

“Join Bill Gates for the First of 4 Dynamic Keynotes at VSLive! as he presents Microsoft’s overall developer strategy and vision, highlighting new developer and platform innovations including Visual Studio “Whidbey”, Microsoft Speech Server, and mobile device and wireless application development.“

I didn't know it was public yet - but Bill Gates and Kai-Fu Lee (our VP) are going to be giving the keynote speech at the San Francisco VSLive! conference in March. This is going to be a really significant conference for us, because SpeechTek and Microsoft Mobile DevCon are going to be part of the same big event.

I think this is probably the first time mainstream developers and speech developers will have been brought together at the same conference. It's always been our vision to introduce speech to the broader development community, so it's going to be exciting to see what sort of impact we can make.

I'm really hoping to be there!