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The Migration to OneNote 2010 Guide and Adapx updates their pen software for 2010

Two nifty items crossed my plate over the Labor Day weekend here in the states. 

The first is the official Migration Guides for Office 2010 came out.  I received an email with all the details, but it boils down to jumping over here to get the same information and downloading the free PDFs:  I looked through the OneNote Guide and it looks great - lots of good info.

The second is that Adapx has updated their Capturx pen software for 2010.  Marc Pierre is a product manager there and he sent me a press release about the update.  I wanted to make sure the update was free for everyone so I sent him this question:

Hi Marc,

Will “regular” customers also get this upgrade for free at some point? And if my grandma went out and bought this pen today, would she get the 2010 software as well as the 2007?





And here is his reply with some extra details (and I got the OK to post his address here in case you can't get the update):


From: Marc Pierre ...


Hi John,

Yes, customers are eligible for the update if they have purchased within the last year – if you have folks that have Capturx and need the upgrade send [th]em my may and we will take care of them. All new shipments of Capturx include the latest updates for 2007 and 2010 – grandma would get a cd that would enable her to select which version of OneNote she has (2007 or 2010) and install accordingly.


Marc Pierre

Product Manager



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