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Taking a break from testing OneNote as we get to spring

Yesterday, Ricky and I took a short break from testing. We ran in the Mercer Island Half Marathon. Mercer Island, for non-Seattleites, is an island in Lake Washington. The road around the shore of the island is almost exactly 13.1 miles, the length of the race. It was a blast, the weather was very nice for a run and just under 1700 runners showed up to enjoy the event.

Here's the semi-required post race photo:


You may remember Ricky from a similar event last year. But, sadly, there were no lattes after this race...

Anyway, there is a lot of activity like this at Microsoft. We have a couple of soccer fields - which get used as cricket, Ultimate Frisbee, flag football and so on, a softball field, a 5K course we use for a fun run once a year and various basketball courts scattered around campus. The fields get used almost all day each Saturday and Sunday and it's always fun to go see what is happening. Overall, it was a nice first day of spring out here at ol' MS.

Now, back to testing!

Questions, comments, concerns and criticisms always welcome,
