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S&S Marketplace for WSS Based Applications

Maximize your distribution power today!

Let the S+S Marketplace put your Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) 2007-based application directly into the hands of global service providers with millions of potential customers.

The S+S Marketplace, sponsored by Microsoft, bridges the gap between software develop ers and the millions of businesses customers that need software tools to more effectively run and grow their business. If you are an independent software vendor (ISV) or developer that wants to tap into the distribution power of a network of global service providers, you’ve found the right place.

The S+S Marketplace, sponsored by Microsoft, bridges the gap between software develop ers and the millions of businesses customers that need software tools to more effectively run and grow their business. If you are an independent software vendor (ISV) or developer that wants to tap into the distribution power of a network of global service providers, you’ve found the right place.

Using Microsoft’s Hosters Solution Kit (HSK), participating service providers browse the marketplace catalog, ‘import’ your application from the marketplace, and can start to distribute it immediately.

Getting started is as easy as 1-2-3


Visit the marketpace at:


Download the S+S Marketplace ISV Developer's Guide at: SandSMarketplaceISVDevelopersGuidelines.pdf to find out how to build your application for use with S+S marketplace.


Then register with the S+S Marketplace and login to begin distributing your application through the S+S marketplace.

Technical Requirement

Today, the S+S Marketplace is designed specifically for Windows SharePoint Services (WSS)-based applications developed to specific application formats ( refer to S+S Marketplace ISV Developer’s Guide for details ). Over time, the S+S Marketplace will expand to support additional application formats and platform standards, but the focus on WSS applications initially provides for a truly rich ISV and Hoster experience immediately.

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