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To Dispose or not to Dispose -- that is the question

Last Saturday, another team member sent an email out to the team inquiring about the "MOSS object disposal problem" (as he termed it).

Essentially, he was asking if anytime he referenced the ParentWeb property on an object, whether or not he needed to call Dispose on ParentWeb.

When I read his message, and the various responses from other team members, it brought back fond memories of memory leaks I've seen in the past -- which eventually led to my "IDisposables Containing IDisposables" post.

The most interesting thing to come out of this email thread -- at least for me, personally -- is the awareness that the prescriptive guidance on MSDN for disposing SharePoint objects has recently been updated (one in January 2009 and the other in March 2009).

In particular, the guidance around disposing of ParentWeb and RootWeb has been, well, nixed...

SPSite.RootWeb Property
An earlier version of this article indicated that the calling application should dispose of the SPSite.RootWeb property just before disposing of the SPSite object that is using it. This is no longer the official guidance. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework.


SPWeb.ParentWeb Property
Updated Guidance
An earlier version of this article recommended that the calling application should dispose of the SPWeb.ParentWeb. This is no longer the official guidance. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework.

Scott Harris, et. al (2009). Best Practices: Using Disposable Windows SharePoint Services Objects 2009-03-19.


Folks, this is huge!

Now, if we could just eliminate the need for these whitepapers altogether ;-)

You see, this shouldn't even be a SharePoint issue, and thus there should be no need for developers to read 44 pages of prescriptive guidance (29 pages in one and 15 in the other).

Rather, we simply need to ingrain in every .NET developer's mind that when a class implements IDisposable, thou shalt call Dispose() on any instances of the class. Note that this must be done by the code that ultimately "owns" the object.

For example, consider the following method from my SharePointHelper class (which I've been using for years):

      /// <summary>
    /// Finds a child Web based on the name (relative URL).
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// This is useful because SPWebCollection[name] does not return null
    /// or throw an exception if the specified web does not exist.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="parentWeb">The parent Web to search.</param>
    /// <param name="name">The name (i.e. URL) of the child Web to find.</param>
    /// <returns>An SPWeb object (which must be disposed by the caller) if
    /// the child Web is found, otherwise null.</returns>
    public static SPWeb FindWeb(
        SPWeb parentWeb,
        string name)
        if (parentWeb == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("parentWeb");

        if (name == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

        name = name.Trim();
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            throw new ArgumentException(
                "The name of the Web must be specified.",

        SPWeb childWeb = parentWeb.Webs[name];

        // HACK: SPWebCollection[name] does not return null or throw
        // an exception if the specified web does not exist.
            Guid webId = childWeb.ID;

            // In order to avoid a code analysis warning about webId not
            // being used we need to do "something" with webId;
            // a simple assertion is sufficient
            Debug.Assert(webId != Guid.Empty);
        catch (FileNotFoundException)
            childWeb = null;

        return childWeb;

As noted in the XML comments for this method, the caller is responsible for disposing of the returned SPWeb -- assuming the Web was successfully found. If the SPWeb was not found, then obviously SharePointHelper must dispose of the (bogus) object.

So getting back to the title of this post: To Dispose or not to Dispose...

The answer should be very easy, and certainly should not comprise 44 pages.

How about one paragraph (and a code sample)?

If you instantiate an object that implements IDisposable -- either through the new operator or through a method like the sample shown above -- then you should call Dispose() on that object, or, preferably if you are a C# developer, you should wrap your object in a using block, as shown below:

      private void ConfigureSampleContentWeb(
        SPWeb parentWeb)
        using (SPWeb samplesWeb =
            SharePointHelper.FindWeb(parentWeb, "Samples"))

Am I making this too easy?

Let me know your thoughts.

Although I didn't receive a single comment on my "IDisposables Containing IDisposables" post, I have to wonder if lots of people out there aren't silently agreeing with this concept. There were certainly some comments to Roger's post that said effectively the same thing.

I completely understand that all software has bugs (heck, just read my previous post if you want to see a rather embarrassing personal example of one of my own) and that it takes time to fix bugs. However, we should always strive to make the code we write the best -- and simplest -- that it can possibly be.

Now, if we could just get that all-encompassing FxCop rule for ensuring that all IDisposable objects are wrapped in using blocks... ;-)


  • Anonymous
    March 19, 2009
    PingBack from

  • Anonymous
    June 08, 2011
    well... dispose every object that implements disposable ? I don't agree at all. Like msdn says, some spweb must be disposed , other don't, simply take spsite or spweb coming from spcontext, which must not be disposed, otherwise it could crash the whole thing, because those objects are directly used by sharepoint itself for its own work... in some case object from the same class must be disposed, in other, not...