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Deploying SharePoint Solutions with the "-force" Option

In a previous post, I provided sample "DR.DADA" scripts that I use for deploying solutions based on Microsoft Office SharePoint Server (MOSS) 2007.

If you've read that post, you might recall seeing the following lines in, for example, the Deploy Solutions.cmd script:

REM Sometimes it is necessary to force the deployment to circumvent errors

The FORCE_OPTION environment variable is subsequently included in the line that invokes StsAdm.exe:

%SPDIR%\bin\stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name "%SOLUTION_NAME%.wsp" -url %FABRIKAM_PORTAL_URL% %DEPLOY_METHOD% -allowGacDeployment %FORCE_OPTION%

What's all this nonsense about forcing the deployment to "circumvent errors"? Yes, it's admittedly a hack (although for some reason when I originally created these scripts years ago, I didn't label it as such in the comment).

To understand the reason for specifying the "-force" option, consider the following example where the deployment failed:

C:\NotBackedUp\Fabrikam\Builds\\Portal\DeploymentFiles\Scripts>"Deploy Solutions.cmd"
 23:46  - Deploying solution: Fabrikam.Portal.StsAdm.Commands...
Deploying Fabrikam.Portal.StsAdm.Commands...

Timer job successfully created.

Executing .
Operation completed successfully.

 23:46  - Deploying solution: Fabrikam.Portal.Web...
Deploying Fabrikam.Portal.Web on https://fabrikam-test...

Timer job successfully created.

Executing .
Executing solution-deployment-fabrikam.portal.web.wsp-0.
The solution-deployment-fabrikam.portal.web.wsp-0 job completed successfully, but could not be properly cleaned up.  This job may execute again on this server.
Operation completed successfully.

Note that the top-level Deploy Solutions.cmd script simply calls each Deploy Solution.cmd script for the various WSPs. For this particular project, we have a number of custom StsAdm.exe commands, in addition to a "Portal.Web" solution that contains all of our various features.

You might be wondering why this failed, since the output clearly states "Operation completed successfully" for both WSPs.

Browsing to the Solution Management page in SharePoint Central Administration, the Status column for fabrikam.portal.web.wsp showed Error. Clicking the link to view more details showed an error stating that the solution is already deployed. Well, duh, that's because the timer job that was created to deploy fabrikam.portal.web.wsp ran twice!

If the timer job had been "properly cleaned up" then everything would be fine.

Note that this problem doesn't occur each and every time the solutions are deployed. Unfortunately, it's one of those sporadic problems that tend to cause much heartburn for anyone who works in the world of software (think deadlocks in SQL Server or race conditions in a multithreaded application).

Also note that the specified WSP was actually deployed, which means the features can be subsequently activated (i.e. the second "A" in the "DR.DADA" process). However, I never like to leave the Solution Management page showing any items with Error status (even if the error is benign, like this scenario).

Therefore, whenever I encounter this error, I simply set the FORCE_OPTION environment variable and then redeploy the solutions:

C:\NotBackedUp\Fabrikam\Builds\\Portal\DeploymentFiles\Scripts>set FORCE_OPTION=-force
C:\NotBackedUp\Fabrikam\Builds\\Portal\DeploymentFiles\Scripts>"Retract Solutions.cmd"
C:\NotBackedUp\Fabrikam\Builds\\Portal\DeploymentFiles\Scripts>"Deploy Solutions.cmd"

Fortunately, when the "-force" option is specified, even if the deployment timer job isn't properly cleaned up -- in other words, it isn't deleted -- no error occurs when the solution is deployed the second time, and the Status column on the Solution Management page shows Deployed.

If you find this problem occurs frequently in your environment, you might consider always specifying the "-force" option when deploying SharePoint solutions (which is what we recently did on my latest project).