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Windows 8 AND Visual Studio 2012 Completion Milestones

It’s been a busy day! Both the Windows 8 team and the Visual Studio teams have reached significant milestones in their respective releases.

Building Windows 8Per Steven Sinofsky’s blog, Windows 8 has been Released to Manufacturing (RTM), and the Windows Store is officially open for paid applications and company accounts (and with a considerable expansion in the number of markets and certification languages).Visual Studio 2012 Preview

And Jason Zander just announced the final build for Visual Studio 2012, with MSDN availability on August 15th, and a online launch event on September 12th.

Here’s a quick rundown of the timeline for availability

Date Event
August 1 (today!) Windows Store open for business
August 15 Windows 8 available to MSDN subscribers (follow Windows 8 blog for updates)
August 15 Visual Studio 2012 available for download from MSDN and elsewhere (follow Jason Zander’s blog for updates)
September 12 Visual Studio 2012 Launch (on-line)
October 26 Windows 8 General Availability (GA)
October 30 – November 2 BUILD 2012 in Redmond WA

The early bird gets the worm (and the $)! so if you’ve been putting off developing that great Windows 8 app – don’t! Take a look at the following resources to get started, so you can be one of the first apps of your kind in the store.

Windows 8 Dev Camps (and hackathons!)

Generation App – build a Windows 8 app in 30 days

Windows 8 Dev Center

How Do I Video series

Top 10 Windows 8 Secrets of App Success (Chris Bowen’s blog)