Windows Live/Messenger 30 day trial prompting
Yesterday a number of people were having problems with their Windows Live service on their Mobile with it prompting about your 30 day trial ending as documented on Modaco and quite a few other sites.
The reason this happened was that this week we rolled out a direct-to-consumer billing service for the Windows Live client on select Nokia S60 handsets in Sweden and the UK. Although we are considering doing the same at a future time for Windows Mobile, this has not yet been implemented.
Windows Mobile customers shouldn’t have seen any notifications of a 30-day trial and we are working to correct this.
Traditionally, customers have been billed by their mobile operators for many of these services, either directly or through their data package.
Sorry to those of you who were impacted by this. Our team was working through the night to get this fixed quickly!
January 10, 2008
So Windows Live users running Nokia S60 (Symbian) only gets 30 days for free! 1-0 to Windows Mobile….Anonymous
January 10, 2008
For US T-Mobile subscribers, a few months back, TMo rolled HotSpot (WiFi) access into thier 'Total Internet' plan - that 19.99 for unlimited EDGE/GPRS AND WiFi access. If you are not getting this now, call customer service and they will convert your plan. See MikeAnonymous
January 11, 2008
The comment has been removedAnonymous
January 13, 2008
This isn't Microsoft's doing. This is a requirement of the carriers selling the devices.