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Windows Live Search team sneak out a new release

Over the Christmas period it looks like our Windows Live Search team sneaked out a new release I missed.  The update seems to be of benefit (dissapointingly) mainly to folks based in the US with improvements such as 1-click directions for all businesses and street addresses; in the U.S.; additional details for U.S. businesses, including neighborhood, business category, cuisine (restaurants); hours of operation (when available); photos (up to two); and reviews (up to ten) for U.S. businesses. In addition, improved movie show times and critics' ratings are available through Instant Answers. Also, all maps now have more interactivity - clicking on the maps now zooms in and out to pre-defined levels or advances to the next waypoint for routing maps. You can use Live Search on any mobile phone by visiting from your phone's browser. If you have a Windows Mobile device you can also download the search app from
