Why can't I click on a phone number on my (Professional) device
I've had a few people ask me this over the last few weeks so I thought it was time for a blog article!
Let me outline the problem..... You have a conference call at 5pm and someone sends you a conference call meeting request with the telephone number in the location details.
On a Windows Mobile Standard (Smartphone) device you will be able to click on the telephone number on the device and dial the number (see below)
On a Windows Mobile Professional (Pocket PC) device you can't click on the telephone number (see below)
There is a workaround to fix this and that's to put the Telephone Number in the body of the meeting request and prefix it with Tel: For Example - Tel:+441234567890
See the example below on a Professional device!
Unfortunately this isn't fixed in Windows Mobile 6.1 but you can bet I'm pushing hard on our Product teams to fix this inconsistency.
April 10, 2008
Uno dei motivi per cui preferisco la Standard Edition di WMAnonymous
April 10, 2008
E' piĆ¹ "telefonosa"... ...On a Windows Mobile Standard (Smartphone) device you will beAnonymous
April 11, 2008
Juhu, finally!!! I can't tell you how much that bugged over the past year, my smartphone could, my stupid 6.1 pro couldn't :-( Jason, you're a star!Anonymous
April 11, 2008
you may also create a hyperlink in outlook on your pc using callto:+33444556Anonymous
April 13, 2008
Does that apply to all models? I have a 2003 version of the operating systemAnonymous
April 14, 2008
Football Credit Card, I've upgraded my WM2003 device to WM5, but I believe that it should work on that platform as well. Note that it is also possible to send an email from the calendar if you use the following format: Mailto:email@myaddress.comAnonymous
April 21, 2008
Does anyone know if it is possible to include an anchor on an html page that a Windows mobile user can click to initiate a call to the number specified? Cheers.