TouchPal Keyboard available for Free download
The TouchPal Keyboard shown above is available for FREE download until Dec 8th.
So if you have a touchscreen only device then this might be a good option to try.
December 03, 2007
Thanks for this tip! Looks like worth the try.Anonymous
December 04, 2007
It's pretty cool but lacked internationalization last time I checked. All of us non-English speakers/typers can't really use it.Anonymous
December 21, 2007
They just annouced the new version, looks very promising~ It is definitely the best sip so far, I even gave my iPhone to my wife and go back to Touch, just for this tool~ :) Cannot wait to see the new release at 12/28
January 06, 2008
I blogged previously about this excellent onscreen keyboard for your Windows Mobile device. Well theAnonymous
January 06, 2008
I blogged previously about this excellent onscreen keyboard for your Windows Mobile device. Well the