Stephen fry talks Windows Mobile
Stephen Fry is an English comedian, writer, actor, novelist, film maker and television personality with TV Shows like QI. He was fantastic as Lord Melchett in Blackadder II!
He wrote a recent Blog article talking about all things mobile which was quite a fascinating read!
You can read it HERE
September 27, 2007
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September 27, 2007
What a great read! I don't agree with him on ... oh, so many points, but it's a thriller of a blog, and backed up by what is clearly years of addiction/experience. I half expected Harlan Coben to have written a review. So, is anyone at Redmond listening? The OS is in need of an overhaul - why can't I adjust the text size in emails like I can on the Homescreen?. The convergence of PPC and SP are likely to leave heavy/power users in both camps unsatisfied. I see danger ahead. And at HTC, what do they think? Apart from mis-information about devices (Vodafone are still touting the Tytn II as being 160-170g, when in fact it's almost 200) they seem to be missing the point. Bigger, clunkier devices are all the rage, but are rejected out of hand by our users here. The Touch had promise, but lacked processor and memory, and the interface was just a light varnish over the stylus-operated OS. As the biggest manufacturer of devices they set the tone, but only in the way that Nokia do with dumbphones. The others (Samsung, Motorola etc) have a part to play. Show us some styleAnonymous
September 28, 2007
It would seem that the difference between Stephen and the rest of us (aside from being way superior in the acting, funny and intellectual department) is that he can express himself with words like very few can (and plenty of them). Truly inspirational, we can all learn from the master!Anonymous
October 30, 2007
Stephen Fry is a comedian/writer/actor/film director and many more things.... He is also a total GeekAnonymous
October 30, 2007
Stephen Fry is a comedian/writer/actor/film director and many more things.... He is also a total Geek