O2 UK release upgrades to Windows Mobile 6 for the XDA Orbit and Trion
Hot on the heels of HTC - O2 have announced upgrades to Windows Mobile 6 for the very popular XDA Orbit device as well as the XDA Trion (HTC Hermes)
You can now also open Office 2007 documents too!!
The download for the Orbit is HERE
For the Trion it's HERE
August 02, 2007
Thanks Jason for this, I've been waiting a few months to finally upgrade! Downloading it now as I type! :)Anonymous
August 03, 2007
So is the Office 2007 support going to be made available generically for non XDA users or has it been shipped to the OEMS for rollup into a ROM? I thought the original notification implied that it would be made available through Windows Mobile Update?Anonymous
August 05, 2007
I am having issues downloading with my serial number, it is not able to validate the serial number for some reason.. any clues?Anonymous
August 09, 2007
Just make sure you are using IE Browser not FireFox or others