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DataViz release new Version of Documents to Go with Support for Office 2007 File Formats


DataViz have just released Documents To Go Premium Edition 3.0010 for Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone and 6 Standard Devices.  This release means you can now open, view, edit, and create Word, Excel and PowerPoint 2007 files and attachments on those devices that did not ship with Office Mobile on them.

Customers who purchased version 3.0000 will receive the update at no additional cost. Other enhancements include the following:

  • "Zip and Send" technology to compress files and email them instantaneously,
  • Full screen support for PowerPoint presentations
  • Auto Run support to rehearse presentations which have existing slide timings and slide show preferences
  • English, French, German, Spanish and Italian versions now available

This is great news for those devices which don't have Office Mobile on them.

You can get more information HERE
