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Moonlight Available (that's Silverlight for Linux)


The interop momentum is growing now with news of the release of Moonlight which is in a nutshell Silverlight for Linux allowing designers and developers to create rich experiences and applications once and land them on Windows and now Linux.  Moonlight is being developed by the guys behind Project Mono which looks to port the .NET framework to other platforms like Linux, Solaris, Mac OSX to allow .NET apps to be deployed.

At Mix we announced that we were working with Nokia to allow Silverlight apps on their phones perhaps we'll see some other similar news on other vendors devices soon? 

This coupled with Live Mesh looks like the perfect way to deliver experiences on a potentially unlimited number of devices without having to do much rewriting of code or redoing design.  Silverlight provides the vehicle to surface your app on the device and allows for cool experiences whilst Live Mesh is the engine that runs and orchestrates data transfer between the apps and their devices.

Ahhh Ray, looks like you've got your sh*t together my man - bring it on!

Hat tip to Live Side
