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Dino Esposito coming to Dublin to give a course on patterns and LINQ

One of the most popular new features to come out of the 2008 launch wave of products is LINQ. If you are interested in the topic - you'll definintely be interested in the day-long workshop coming up on 27th May. Well-known author Dino Esposito will be visiting Dublin to give a course entitled 'Managing Data in Web Enterprise Applications - a pattern-oriented look at LINQ and LINQ-to-SQL from within Web and Silverlight applications.'

There are some details below - but you should check out the new-look site for the full course details. 


Managing Data in Web Enterprise Applications


A pattern-oriented look at LINQ and LINQ-to-SQL
from within Web and Silverlight applications

1 day course - 27th May - Alexander Hotel - Dublin 2


The workshop will be run by Dino Esposito. Dino is the author of Programming ASP.NET 3.5 Core Reference (Microsoft Press, 2008) and other best-selling books such as Introducing ASP.NET AJAX (Microsoft Press, 2007) and Programming Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 Applications-Advanced Topics (Microsoft Press, 2006).

He's also the author of the "Cutting Edge" column on MSDN Magazine and a frequent speaker at industry events worldwide, including Microsoft TechEd, DevConnections and in Europe, DevWeek and Basta.


Cross-posted from Clare's blog