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Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java - August 2012 Preview

Gearing up for back to school, the Microsoft Open Technologies Inc. team has been busy updating the Windows Azure Plugin for Eclipse with Java.

This August 2012 Preview update includes some feedback-driven usability enhancements in existing features along with number additional bug fixes since the July 2012 Preview. The principal enhancements are the following:

  • Inside the Windows Azure Access Control Service Filter:
    • Option to embed the signing certificate into your application’s WAR file to simplify cloud deployment
    • Option to create a new self-signed certificate right from the ACS filter wizard UI
  • Inside the Windows Azure Deployment Project wizard (and the role’s Server Configuration property page):
    • Automatic discovery of the JDK location on your computer (which you can override if necessary)
    • Automatic detection of the server type whose installation directory you select

You can learn more about the plugin on the Windows Azure Dev Center.

To find out how to install, go here.

Martin Sawicki
Principal Program Manager
Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc.
A subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation