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Feedback and Support for IE7 Beta 2

Hi, this is Al and I wanted to talk about feedback and support for Beta 2 of IE7 now that it is available.

There are two main avenues for feedback for Beta 2, which are newsgroups and the Internet Explorer Feedback site.

Internet Explorer Feedback

As I posted about on March 24, we have a site live to collect bug reports and product suggestions for future versions of IE. I'll have a blog post soon about how that is going and top issues but the site is especially important for Beta 2. The issues that are logged there are triaged (mostly by me) and sent over to the main groups of IE developers, program managers, and testers to work on as bugs. This is less immediately interactive than the newsgroups since it isn't focused on discussion but other users can comment on bugs, validate that they have seen them as well, and offer workarounds for issues if they have found one.

If you have a bug to report, this is the preferred method of letting the IE team know about it. Depending on how many bugs are entered for Beta 2, it may take a little while to work our way through issues but everything that is reported on the site is reviewed by me or someone working with me. Feedback is given to the IE feature teams who own features in IE as bugs to work on if it passes the most basic of criteria (i.e. it has reproduction steps, is actually a bug and not just a general comment, and has specific information to identify the issue).

In order to take part in the Internet Explorer Feedback site, if you are new, you need to visit the Microsoft Connect site directly and sign up for Internet Explorer Feedback in the list of available programs. This requires a Passport account but once you have joined the program, you can go directly to the program page at

I encourage people to read the "Best Practices for Bug Reporting in Internet Explorer" document that I wrote for the site. This will help your issues get addressed more quickly and helps make sure that logged bugs have all of the information that we need. There have been some issues with bugs that are difficult to reproduce or narrow down and the best practices help address that.

Previously, we had an e-mail address as well to gather feedback as well. This was This has been retired in favor of the Feedback site because bugs entered on the site go into our general bug system which allows team members to work on them as we would do for any bug. The process of turning e-mail into bug reports takes a bit more time and work so we want to encourage people to use the IE Feedback site. The e-mail address is not going to be deleted before we release IE7 but we won't be highlighting it anymore and will be focusing on the incoming bugs from the site.


If you want to chat with other users of Beta 2, see what kinds of issues that people have run into and how they worked around them, the microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general newsgroup is probably the best place to do so. This is much more interactive then other options since any and everyone can post and reply to anything brought up on the site. You can go to it via either through a newsgroup reader or through the Microsoft Discussion Groups site for web access.

In addition to these two options for feedback, IE7 Beta 2 will also have support available. I've brought Bryan Chee over from our support group to tell us about it.

Hi, this is Bryan and I’m the Supportability Program Manager for the IE team. Starting with Beta 2, we’ll be having beta phone support for consumer IE7 Beta users. Basically, support will be limited to help out our customers in a non-domain environment with their IE7 beta issues. So if you have questions or issues that are more developer, enterprise, or business related such as IEAK issues, group policy changes, or coding CSS pages for IE7, then it’ll be out of scope for the help we can provide on this support line. 

It’s going to be a best effort level of support which means we’ll help you as best we can. We may not be able to solve every problem that comes through. So please, don’t try to play “stump the tech” if you don’t really need help. Try to leverage the existing online resources (newsgroups, FAQ, and release notes) when you can, so we can keep the phones open to help out those people who really need it.

Phone support will start at 5am PST on Tuesday April 25th.

Support number: 1-866-876-4926

Hours of operation:
Monday-Friday 5 am - 9 pm Pacific Standard Time
Saturday-Sunday 6 am - 3 pm Pacific Standard Time

I hope that everyone enjoys the second beta of IE7.

 - Al Billings and Bryan Chee

Update: The phone support is for customers in North America in English. We are not able to offer support in other regions or languages through the support number at this time. This wasn't made clear here before so I wanted to give everyone an update on this. - Al


  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Beta 2 is now available for XP SP2, Windows 2003 Server SP1 and x64 editions. has...
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Someone might want to edit Dave's post, url didn't work...

    Responses to bugs seems to be pretty decent compared to other bug reporting sites though I have only filed three or four myself.
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Remember, if you post swear words in your comments or are directly abusive to people, your comment will be deleted.

    I shouldn't need to ask people to keep it clean. Let's be adults here.

    - Al Billings [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006

    We're still learning the workflow with bugs so it isn't perfect but we're working on it.

    - Al Billings [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    The latest IE7 Beta is fantastic. Its fast and stable. You guys rock!
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    The latest Beta 2 TR has a really great interface! Awesome comeback for IE I would say!
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Great. I think it's a big step toward the final release. I experienced many bug fixes so thanks for it. Keep up good work!
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Great job... almost everything is working now... EXCEPT... "Prime" and "Double Prime" in the Lucida Sans Unicode font doesn't display correctly (the encoding is UTF-8)...

    I'd like to see this one fixed and then It'd be perfect for my needs...

    Thanks a lot...

  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Does/will IE7 have an option to allow only Session cookies?  This is a great feature in Firefox but I haven't noticed a direct equivalent in IE
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    On my machine, the new beta keeps on using 100% CPU. Dont know the reason why.
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Why do I need to sign in to MS Connect just to read the Bug Reporting guidelines?

    This strikes me as the kind of generally useful information that should really be just on a plain website somewhere for anyone to read or link to.

    not impressed
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    I can't use the tabs. In this latest build the Tabs are not visible. Please help!
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    The 100% CPU problem went away once I uninstalled the IE developer toolbar.
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
    Okay the interface/window won't respond or redraw, or anything! I can click on links and select text, albeit very slowly, however the "shell" simply isn't working.

    I've been running all previous versions without this problem.
  • Anonymous
    April 24, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    IE7 Beta 2 was released last night, so what are you waiting for?  Download Now!
    After you've given...
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    I haven't really been following up the Internet Explorer 7 betas. I am often annoyed when one of IE's windows get focus after the page is loaded.

    I happens in the new Windows Live mail too. Once I click on one of the mails in Live mail, it start to work on a request to retrieve the mail. I am usually at another browser window checking out blogs such as this one. That's great, but when the little mail is retrieved using AJAX I think, the Live mail window takes focus. I don't think that's necessary and it become a major annoyance when I am reading many emails and, at the same time, reading news or blogs with another window.

    And to my surprise, it happens when I use Opera to view the other articles too! It even takes the focus from Opera browser once the Live mail email is loaded.

    Has that problem been resolved? I think it happens to Gmail too.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Here's a suggestion - actually streamline the UI instead of just saying you did.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Tabs bar is not visible after installing the latest version of Internet Explorer

    How to fix?
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Well I would install Beta 2, except I can't uninstall Beta 2 Preview.

    This seems to be a common problem for those of us who don't use System Restore.

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Just a question:  Why does the beta 2 release notes say that "There are no 64-bit ActiveX controls?"  Can't someone make a 64-bit ActiveX control?
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    For tabs, if they've gone, you need to run xmllitesetup which is in the update directory of the download. You need to open the explorer download in winrar or something to see it.

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    I just installed IE 7 Beta 2.. It looks great, but unfortunately does not work great!

    I have had 9 times IE fatal error in matter of minutes.. I wish I had not installed it!
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Dead in the water...I have ie72p installed and would like beta 2.  Not in Add/Remove, when I use command file of WINDOW$NtUninstallie7bet2p$spuninstspuninst.exe - that file is not there.  I seem to recall removing all the $....$ files in blue from windows about a month ago.  I tried to restore, but I installed ie7 too long ago for the restore point to still be available.  I even tried manually deleting files in Internet Explorer, hoping it would ask me to reinstall XP SP2 - which it did, but this did not work either.  Now ie7 just flashes a window when I double click on it.

    I am in big trouble.  A little help would be greatly appreciated.

    Ed Pring
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    The only stable Internet Explorer I have ever used is the one posted on Microsoft up to 2 months ago.

    Since then, the beta last month crashes as I open IE, and the beta today crashes randomly, ever 2 min in general.

    I deleted the profile (the user windows profile), then it became more stable, crashes once ever 5 min

    Now I am disabling just everything, to see if the problem stays there.

    MSHTML.DLL was reading some un-existing memory, or something like that
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Well, things are certainly looking up! (Now, still, if only there would be a backport to Windows 2000... Yes, I know there will not be.)

    Things I've liked so far...the "you've just opened a new tab" explanation is good. I'm quite used to tabbed browsing (Mozilla Firefox user) but for the new user, this is a great way to explain to them what the result of clicking the little grey "tablet" is.

    The IE7 browser seems quite fast and responsive...not that IE6 wasn't, but most beta-quality products don't feel quite this smooth.

    Things I haven't liked so much--come on, IE team...let us put the menu bar at the top of the window. Please? Also, the sizing of the icons needs work--allowing them to be "big" around the address bar but smaller elsewhere should be a user selectable option. I don't find this distracting, but it looks "odd" each time I look up there. It also be nice to move the toolbars more freely--these new toolbars seem pretty restricted in what you can do with them. How's about floating toolbars or at least toolbars that can be moved as freely as IE6's were?

    As far as reporting problems/bugs I really need a Microsoft Passport to do this? (I have one, but the password is long forgotten, and Passport support is less than no help in any regard. I'd settle for being able to delete the old Passport permanently. I'd really rather not leave it hanging out there.)

    Curious is IE7 handling the changes in behavior that were a part of the Eolas case? (I know I could just try it, but an official comment would be nice.)

    All things considered, IE7 Beta 2 is definitely getting better. I'm impressed, but at this point I really doubt that I will be switching back from Firefox. (For starters, I don't run XP.)
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    It can't work right when i open
    what's wrong?
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    No problems so far. Just unistalled the last preview and installed new IE. No problems with Dev toolbar too. I would like to ask though, is there a list of changes/fixes somewhere?
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    There is no changelist available. That is not the sort of data that we compile internally as we can do a large query on the bug fixed if necessary for an area for some reason. Given the amount of work done recently, it would be difficult to give a list that was not simply a laundry list of bug titles.

    Al Billings [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Don't like it. Security problem this, security problem that... Pfff. Even this MSDN forum returns "problems" on every mouse click. Microsoft is passe
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    "how is IE7 handling the changes in behavior that were a part of the Eolas case?"


    Basically, some activeX controls require one click to "activate" before you can click on them.  Pretty simple stuff.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    My biggest problem thus far is the tabs.  Everytime I click on the new-tab button IE closes down.  Repeated several times and same result.  Also as mentioned above; can't we get the 'classic menu' on top of the address bar, or allow us to move the address bar?
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    There is a problem when I tried to open multiple tabs from the "links" toolbar by clicking the middle wheel. If you click to open another website while a website is still loading, then it will load the latter website instead of the currently loading site on the same tab without opening a new tab.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    To Will...thank you for the link. I found out what I wanted to know about the new ActiveX behavior and IE7 by simply using a few things that, well, make use of ActiveX. :-)

    To the MSIE team...I find a glaring issue in the form of the "patch" that gives users of IE the ability to go back to the classic behavior for ActiveX controls.

    The issue? It's seemingly not available for users of Windows 98, Me or 2000...we all got the changed behavior with the security update, which I understand and can accept. But why can't those of us still using Win98/Me/2000 have the ability to push back the deadline a little bit like WinXP/XP64/Server 2003 users can?

    I still have at least one in-house web application that's not been redesigned to work with the changes...and most every computer here is still on Windows 2000 Professional SP4. Thankfully there is a workaround, but it's difficult for the users to understand and implement.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    It's so pathetic. International domain names were somehow implemented, but the price is inability to change keyboard layout.
    I don't know any other program that is capable of disabling keyboard layout changing. IE7 is sooo mighty.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006

    It's a bug and we know about it. It is logged in the bug database. It will be fixed before we release.

    Being insulting really doesn't help, does it?

    - Al Billings
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    wont install says i tried the reg thing but i dont have  aclue how to change it thanks
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Al you are not in charge of it. So It shouldn't be insulting you.
    In fact I think you are doing your job better than many other people.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    "MSHTML.DLL was reading some un-existing memory, or something like that"

    Hmmmm... I love the smell of a buffer overflow in the morning
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006

    I have a web page which displays all the UTF-8 characters defined for HTML 4 and XHTML 1 which I have displaying in the browsers choices for serif, san-serif, and monospace font selections. The web page is at...

    Scroll down to the Unicode characters 8242 and 8243 which is "Prime" and "Double Prime". These characters look fine in IE6, Firefox, and Opera. Here, in IE7, the same character is displayed for all three font selections (this is wrong).

    Also, at the bottom of the page is a legend explaining the code used in each column of the tables.

    Thank you...

  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    It seems like some bugs get closed as "By Design" because you won't fix it for IE7. Well, it's still a bug even if you don't intend to fix it for the next release. Perhaps there should be a "Future" flag so that you can look in to it for future releases instead of closing the as "By Design" (or perhaps IE's bugs actually are By Design?).
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Nothing is working for me. And the worst thing is the feedback site is neither working for me!!!
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Right after I installed it the new beta had some rendering problems in the toolbar area and would consume 100% of the processor. I read some posts here, uninstalled the developer toolbar and the MSN toolbar phishing filter and now it works great.
    However, I still wish that I could get rid of the search bar and resize/move the address bar.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    IE7 will spent your all memory when you open
    this site-
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Feeds still not updating...sigh...
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    I would like Internet Explorer have a feature that if we are opening a link from MSN Messenger  and an existing Internet Explorer Window is opened... It will not open a new window but open a new tab.

    I would like to see that... Everything else is perfect.

    I would like Internet Explorer to change its traditional search functionality. Make it unique and different. Currently its annoying. I like how you press CTRL+F on mycomputer the search function appears...

    Thanx for this real beta!
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006

    There is a problem with session cookies.

    Sometimes, Internet Explorer 7 "do something" with the session cookie and I can't continue to visit my website (I'm disconnecting).

    I've "medium" level in privacy for cookie.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Hmm, I'm running winXP pro x64 and sometimes I need a 32-bit environment (ex. for tortoisecvs). I had a very simple solution for this problem, I used the 32-bit internet explorer to simulate a 32-bit environment. But now it seems that the 32-bit internet explorer can no longer be used as an explorer, it just opens the folder you try to open in the standard explorer (which is 64-bit...).
    This means that now I only use internet explorer for microsoft update and had to find an alternative to use as 32-bit explorer...
    Another remark, I don't like the look of i'net explorer 7, it doesn't fit with windows. ^^
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    @Rich/SeaPlusPlus: We've filed a bug on this font-fallback issue.  Thanks.

    @Delcedo: Please provide information about what sites you're visiting that exhibit a loss of cookies.

    @Mohamed Mansour: See Tools | Internet Options | General | Tab Settings to control how new tabs are opened.

    Sorry, further "Find in document" feature work has been pushed to a future version.

    @William: "IE7 will spent your all memory".  This is likely a known issue with the Phishing filter.  We have a bug on this, thanks.
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Al Billings, I would like to ask why some bugs that won't be fixed in IE7 (but should be fixed for future releases) are closed as "By Design" or "Won't Fix" and not "Postponed"? For instance, I would like #54129 and #54364 (both spec violations) to be fixed in a future release (like IE8).
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    Is it possible to have "Auto-Fill" button somewhere on the menu bar to fill out a address form like Google Toolbar does?  I hate to install GoogleToolbar just to use that feature.

    Also, I think it is cool to maybe select a word and be able to get a definition of it....What about translation of page to different languages?

    BTW, new beta version is cool, I was about to uninstall the previous beta 2 since it was too buggy
  • Anonymous
    April 25, 2006
    When going to a site with a pop up window for inputting of details, IE7 would mysteriously crash. Opening up a new tab is also causing IE7 to crash... At least the uninstall works!
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    What are you people doing to your customers?  Are you serious with this release?  First off, per installation instruction, I shut down all programs and saved important files.  It took over 15 MINUTES to install this program!  15 MINUTES?!?!  Then, as a user wanting to provide feedback, you make me 1) Sign in to Passport 2) Agree to the terms of whatever 3) Then make me fill out an application form.  I am honestly asking here... What in the world are you people doing to your customers?  Are you just looking for more reasons to send them to Firefox?  Pay for Add-in/Add-on extensions that are free everywhere else?
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    Does IE7 Support ftp?
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    I have Windows XP home edition and am current on all service packs and updates.

    When I type a url in the IE 7 address bar, it hangs (hourglass).  Clicking the address bar dropdown also makes it hang.  If I close it and open a new instance, I can do searches in the search bar, and can click on search results, and that works normally.  Also, I can use favorites or quick links normally.  

    This problem did not occur when I first installed IE 7.  I have since uninstalled IE 7, and now IE 6 has the same problem.  Firefox works fine.

    Another problem: the Zoom level at the bottom of the window is truncated - "100%" doesn't fit in the space.

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006

    Please see That should explain the common source of this problem. It isn't an IE7 issue.

    Al Billings [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    This has been brought up a few times, but I felt it was important enough to bring it up again. Menu bar must be the top most bar. You do nothing but confuse your consumers when you start moving things around like this. It's always been the top bar since Windows 3.11. People are use to it. Changing it is a very, very bad idea.

    So, throw in another vote for Main menu on top. Allow the option to move it, but default needs to remain at top else you risk confusing your consumers.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    As I’m sure everyone is aware, IE7 beta 2 has been released.  Unfortunately it’s completely...
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    Wow, thats my opinion of Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, beta 2. I have been running the preview of the...
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    I downloaded ie7 beta 2 and have had no problems at all. good job!
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    I used GoogleDesktop Beta version.
    and install IE 7.0 Beta2.
    I used IE 7.0 very well.
    But when I instlled New GoogleDesktop Version,
    errors occured.(I lived in Korea and Korean version.)
    I thought IE 7.0 conflicts with GoogleDesktop of new version(not beta version).
    After rollback to GoogleDesktop Beta version,
    errors never occured.
    What's the matter with ??
    Error was concerned with mshtml.dll.
    Plz, check this error.

    Very Good UI of IE 7.0.
    And Very Powerful of IE's Tab Browsing Function.
    No Problems.
    Good Luck!!!
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    Phillip might have a point about the menu bar.  Since it DOES hide 99.9% of the time, it might be just as easy, and significantly more standard to have it as the top most bar in the window when it does show.

    I get that you are trying to indicate that everything below the address bar is subsidary to it, acts off the current address, but it is somewhat non standard.

    Since very few of us show that toolbar any more, it could very easily be the top most toolbar when it is shown to make it more standard.

    Personally, I would prefer to be able to position the address bar and search bar withit where-ever I like in relation to the other toolbars.  I would probably be inclined to swap the command bar with the search bar so that the search bar was inline with the tabs.

    That said, I might use the actual menu bar like 3 times a week if I use it at all.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    @Eric: Thank you for the response, I tried to post a bug report and I couldn't edit it to include a web page...

    I do have to small UI comments...

    I use full screen mode since at 1024x768 I try to give maximum viewing to the current web page and in that mode you have a button labled "Full Screen" with the symbol. My problem is... There is no button to take me to full screen and yet when in full screen mode there is a button to take me to not full screen labled full screen. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!! ;-)

    Also one other thing... I would like to start up in full screen mode but there is no exit button to exit the browser from that mode (short of Alt-F4)

    I autohide the menus while in full screen mode and love it and have no problem with that aspect...

    Thank you...

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    One last comment...

    I have my browser load in 8 home pages... (love how that works) and find that is all that is allowed... my comment is since the thumbnail view is for 9 tabs, couldn't you up the max limit on home pages by one to so that, after the load is complete, the thumbnail screen would be fully utilized??? Please??? What's one more page between friends... ;-)

    Thank you...

  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    I love it. Thanks! You've fixed the major bug I was having with IE7 not detecting an existing dial up connection. So brilliant - my full time browser now.

    The only page I see that does not render properly in this version is the Yahoo photo galleries attached to Yahoo groups. However, this may be a yahoo issue. Kudos to you guys, Cheers.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    Were is the icon for outlook Express???
    Screen Shot

    i have looked every where no luck"????
    also i dont like the address  
    bar all the way on the top :(
    so far i think i will stay with 6 its much much better!! :)
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    @SeaPlusPlus: F11 goes in and out of full-screen mode.

    You can add a button to go into full-screen mode by right-clicking the command bar (top right of the screen) and choosing Customize the Command Bar | Add Commands.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    The interface  won't redraw, I can click on a link but it is very slow, and it's using 100% CPU, i'v  been using IE 7 with-out any problems till the beta 2, now i have to install IE 6 again, this is very bad!
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    Xepol: "I get that you are trying to indicate that everything below the address bar is subsidary to it, acts off the current address, but it is somewhat non standard."

    See, I've always thought that the address bar is subsidiary to a lot of things.

    Especially when you have tabbed browsing.

    IMO, the address bar, and the back and forward buttons, and reload, etc... all work per tab. All of these controls should be inside each tab, to better indicate their scope.

    But even without tabbed browsing, with multiple-windowed browsing, things like "internet options" are definitely per-app, while the address bar and back-forward-reload is per-window, meaning that, again, these should be below the menu bar.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    I still got a problem with uninstalling an earlier build of ie 7 beta 2! it is not in add-remove programs and the folder with uninstall is gone...what to do??? please help me out!
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    @S: You most likely have an outdated build of the IE Developer toolbar installed.  Remove it, and install the newer version.
  • Anonymous
    April 26, 2006
    After 4 hours of work and waiting I managed to access the News group via Microsoft Connect. This was supposed to be the channel for bugs and feedback. Unfortunately I was welcomed by the following message:
    Hi BetaTesters,

    We opened the "microsoft.betanews.system.discussion" for you to discuss
    specifically the issues with

    It appeared that many people posted their discussions out side of this
    topic. That causes the confusion to other Beta Testers.

    We plan to gather the feedbacks that we need and we will close down this
    newsgroups soon.

    BetaNews Admin

    So, I just wanted to report, perhaps not a bug, but a finding that IE7 breaks the JavaScript -based navigation on the Mambo CMS administration interface.
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    Good job on the feeds icon with the little star at the top right corner showing new content.

    It's nice that the feeds icon in Fav Center does that.

  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    I have been using my Hotmail account in Outlook with ie6 for a long time behind an ISA 2000 server (fw client installed w/ no proxy configured).  I installed the ie7 beta 2, which has now broken this functionality.  Is this by design, a beta issue or do I just need to configure something different?
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    I had downloaded the initial ie 7 beta 2 release a few weeks back, and it would partially load and the interface would freeze.

    I was really miffed and went back to using firefox.  My desire was to use IE, but that wasn't happening because of the bugs.  IE 6 and Firfox have both become memory hogs, grabbing 300 mbs of ram after about an hours use.

    After several weeks of hoping that MS would fix the ie 7 beta 2 bugs, I had just about given up.  

    Then you released and update to ie7b2, and IT WORKS!  It works as it should, and I like the new features and design.

    New Feature Request (I know this isnt the place to request it), however, it would be great to be able to condense open ie windows into on or several other open it tabbed views.  Currently its possible to go from (expand) a single window view to multiple windows (it would be cool to do the reverse).  I often find myself with a billion open browsers by choice.  Some with multiple (related tabs) and others in browswer windows by themselves).  It would be neat to be able to consolidate all the like topics into one or more tabbed views, AND THEN be able to save the entire set of TABBED VIEWS into a Uber Favorites folder (sort of the way can/could with MS Office Views)
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    {I had submitted this once, but did not see it after the refresh.  Is there a delay between time submitted and actual post time.  

    I had downloaded the initial ie 7 beta 2 release a few weeks back, and it would partially load and the interface would freeze.

    I was really miffed and went back to using firefox.  My desire was to use IE, but that wasn't happening because of the bugs.  IE 6 and Firfox have both become memory hogs, grabbing 300 mbs of ram after about an hours use.

    After several weeks of hoping that MS would fix the ie 7 beta 2 bugs, I had just about given up.  

    Then you released and update to ie7b2, and IT WORKS!  It works as it should, and I like the new features and design.

    New Feature Request (I know this isnt the place to request it), however, it would be great to be able to condense open ie windows into on or several other open it tabbed views.  Currently its possible to go from (expand) a single window view to multiple windows (it would be cool to do the reverse).  I often find myself with a billion open browsers by choice.  Some with multiple (related tabs) and others in browswer windows by themselves).  It would be neat to be able to consolidate all the like topics into one or more tabbed views, AND THEN be able to save the entire set of TABBED VIEWS into a Uber Favorites folder (sort of the way can/could with MS Office Views)
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006

    The feature request that you've made is something that we have been discussing off and on as an idea.

    - Al Billings [MSFT]
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    Finally took the plug into loading IE7 b2 on my system and seem to have a few quirks to work through. At first it didn't want to connect to the windows update site. Restarted IE 7 twice and rebooted the system. Also had the problem of click on content on the bottom of Messenger and it opens a new window for the MSN vidoe segments and plays just the ads. The Amex video festival ad is cute with the girl with the clock and then the drawing but that gets old after about the 5-6 time.

    Did call the support number and got through in a reasonable amount of time. And I realize that this may be geared more toward consumers but I find being told unplausable circustance out right derogatory. I was told it was probably due to spyware. I tried to explain that it had been working with IE 6 with all the update but with just installing IE 7 I was seeing thes problems. I'm a GOLD Partner and do a fair amount of security so I don't think spyware creaped in while I was loading IE7. I like many of the updated features and think it's a good start but if the support is going to be like this... ggrr...

    Enough said. The case number was SRX 060427 602996. I finally told the gentleman that I couldn't deal with this and ended the call. Please don't treat your IT pros and Developers like idiots, Please.
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    fwiw, stale dom and javascript support along with  a worthless accept-header makes me set ie aside and use firefox now.

    i was counting on you guys to keep firefox off my desktop with a killer implementation of ie7.  css is nice. new ui for users is very good. server/developer support stinks.

    we're fallin' behind folks<sigh>.

    btw- when is ie8 due?
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    The new "final" Beta 2 still has terrible troubles rendering some images, for example on the wikipedia pages. The main logo in the top left corner of all articles, along with the little arrow icons (next to any absolute URL) get all messed up when you scroll the page to show/hide the images.

    I'm not sure how these images are generated but whatever it is, IE7 gets a headache!
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    EricLaw [MSFT] , from your answer about tabs
    @Mohamed Mansour: See Tools | Internet Options | General | Tab Settings to control how new tabs are opened.

    I meant, say your on MSN Instant Messenger, and your clicking on the you got mail button, it will open a NEW PAGE ( a whole new window containing my hotmail ).

    It would be nice for it to open that hotmail webpage in the current IE  Window and create a tab for it.

    If I don't have a IE Browser open, it will open a new one which makes sence. If I have one already opened, it will just create a tab for it.

    I tried it with many locations, when I open a link it will open a new window. Would be nice to have in the tab properties, open all links in the current window.

    That feature would be nice to have...
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    @paulf: Good catch.

    This is actually a very strange bug that we found a while ago.  The problem is that PHP is sending an Cache-Control header that causes this behavior.  PHPBB specifies pre-check=0, post-check=0.  These parameters are redundant and should not be sent. You can see what happens if you sniff your traffic using Fiddler (

    You can fix this for now by removing the bogus caching headers from your page.

    For compatibility reasons, we're going to revert to IE6 behavior for IE7 Beta 3 to prevent this exact issue.

    @Mohamed: Does your Tab settings dialog have a "Open links in other programs in:" groupbox?
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    I dont like the fact that I can not arrange the toolbars to where I want them.  I HATE the URL and the Back and Forward arrows on the very top!  UNLOCK these puppies!
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006
    From your own release notes:

    "OS Updates--Do not reinstall any version of Microsoft Windows in any way after you install Internet Explorer 7. Do not upgrade in place or upgrade to a new edition. The workaround is to remove Internet Explorer 7 Beta 2, install operating system updates, and then reinstall Internet Explorer."

    Please fix this urgently. I tried the beta 2 preview (i.e. the release prior to this) and had to re-install windows over the top, but had not been able to uninstall IE7 first (owing to some glitch which I can't remember), result:
    One bust Windows OS with an Internet Explorer 6 that didn't start (message involved an entry point not being found in a dll I recall). So I had to reformat and re-install from scratch!

    Please fix this ASAP as I know it's bitten a number of people, and I'm not going to bother retesting IE7 (which I liked otherwise) until I know that if anything goes wrong, I can just re-install Windows to get the system to a sane state again.


    Mike Diack (
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2006

    Five screens of FS9 (Flight Simulator 2004) are no longer accessible once IE7 is loaded.  They are:
    1) Getting Started
    2) News
    3) Century of Flight
    4) Flying Lessons, and
    5) Learning Center

    Removal of IE7, and subsequent return to IE6, corrects the problem.

    (559) 255-2511
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
    Decided to try IE after a couple years of firefox use.  

    Well, can't get it to install correctly (something about the anti-phishing add on), now it won't let me unistall (keeps saying I'm not an authorized user for uninstalling.  It has even locked out system restore) and to top it all off, it won't render a number of pages correctly.  

    I just want to go back to IE6 (my wife won't make the switch to Firefox) but now I'm stuck with this half installed, non working program that won't let me uninstall it.  Not off to a good start.
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
    Decided to try IE after a couple years of firefox use.  

    Well, can't get it to install correctly (something about the anti-phishing add on), now it won't let me unistall (keeps saying I'm not an authorized user for uninstalling.  It has even locked out system restore) and to top it all off, it won't render a number of pages correctly.  

    I just want to go back to IE6 (my wife won't make the switch to Firefox) but now I'm stuck with this half installed, non working program that won't let me uninstall it.  Not off to a good start.
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
    Hi all,&amp;nbsp;
    I just wanted to point out that we have also included an entry called 'Give Beta Feedback'...
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
    I just noticed a great new feature in Beta 2.

    The search bar searches entire strings of past entries for current searches and displays matching entries in a drop down.

    Great idea! Thank you!!
  • Anonymous
    April 28, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2006
    I'm a bit confused with a change in ie7 beta 2.

    According to the Release Notes:

    "Offline Favorites - Offline Favorites and Scheduled Offline Favorites have been removed from Internet Explorer 7."

    Why is there still an offline mode, and what does it do?

    Sometime IE offers a prompt to work in Offline mode and I don't get it...
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2006
    I'm using IE7 beta 2, and i have some kind of problem with links. Sometimes, when i click on them and pop-up blocker is on, Ie classifies upcoming window after i click as a popup and blocks it. I have to turn off pop-up blocker to use links on various websites.
    Thank you for reading.
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2006
    BUT I LOVE IE7!!!! OMG IT ROCKS THANK YOU ALLL IE TEAM!!!!!! (do not classify as spam please, inlude this comment as a user's experience)
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2006
    sometimes, I am not able to shutdown or restart my PC?
  • Anonymous
    April 29, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2006
    Like the new browser alot.
    don't mind the address bar at the top but the search abr on the right hand side is annoying.
    i use a toolbar and it ends up covering the stop and refesh buttons.
    if there was a way to turn off the search bar and move the buttons it'd be perfect
  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2006
    I'm running Windows XP Home
    In Outlook Express, any hyperlinks that come in the email do not work.  Instead of opening IE 7.2 and going to a Website, I'm directed to Windows Explorer.

    Help would be appreciated
  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2006
    I found the answer to my problem in the MS Discussion Group.  I had the right settings in Microsoft defaults but I had "Use my current Browser" in Custom defaults.  I checked Internet Explorer and that seemed to clear my problem up.  The following link is where I received the info.  Thanks  

    Bill Curtis
  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2006
    I really like lots of things about the new IE-7.  There are, however, a number of "issues" that I find to be a problem and some that are just a pain and make me consider going back to IE 6.

    Problem:  On my web based email, I often get "logged out" when trying to delete email, send email, move email to other folders, etc.  Only happens with IE 7 -- not IE 6.  Real PAIN when I've composed a long email and I have to try several times to send it because of being logged out each time.

    Problem?:  If I'm in Full Screen view (multiple tabs) and I click on a web page that brings up a new browser window, I can't go to full-screen mode on the new window (F 11).  Works okay in IE 6 -- just not IE 7.

    Frustration:  No "foating toolbar" to print images, save images, etc. like in IE 6 (that's the reason I ruled out using Firefox).

    Bummer:  Clicking on Favorites, I see EVERYTHING instead of just the most recently used.  It'd be nice to be able to turn that feature on and off like in other MS products.

  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2006
    I think the Microsoft policy of "supplying the features that others have supplied years ago and make i seem as a Microsoft innovation" does  no longer work. Check out Firefox and Opera sites / browsers and take your own conclusions. For me the browser that has been always the most innovative is Opera. Reletively to Firefox i can not say about their attitude, but Opera forum has a better "user listening" attitude than this blog. Where do i submit a new topic?
  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2006
    I have 2 comments about the beta:

    1.The File upload function does not have the directory names only the filename itself.

    2.There seems now to be a timeout for getting a response.  with IE6 there wasn't.  Can this be changed to make it wait for a very long time.  Eg when generating a big report from reporting services.
  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2006
    I loaded IE 7 Beta2 and really like the setup, tabs are great. However i was forced to go back to IE 6 because 7 seemed to be using an enormous amount of my CPU.  I also had some annoying pop up issues.  It was inconsistent from site to site and would not remember setups for sites.  I think the most annoying thing was when using a drop down menu and attemopting to select more than one item by using the control key it would kick me out to a new instance of IE 7.  The shift key selection for multiple lines in the drop down menu seemed to work fine.  Once you get the bugs out I may be back for 7.3 or 4 Beta.  Please don't put this out this way though or Firefox will own more than 10%.  Keep up the good work
  • Anonymous
    May 02, 2006
    @Miguel: Yes, this is a by-design change for privacy reasons.  IE7's behavior matches that of other browsers.

    What build are you using?  The timeout for the current IE7 Beta 2 build is the same as it was for IE6.  Older IE7 betas had a much shorter timeout.

    @Rick: What web-based email provider do you use?

    Yes, the image toolbar was removed, but if you right-click the image, all of the options are there.

    @Tom: There are some known performance problems on pages with many links when the current phishing filter is set to automatic mode.  These will be resolved in later builds.  If you're not using the phishing filter, it would be very useful to know what pages you're encountering this problem on.
  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2006
    after installing ie7 beta 2, all other browsers started launching over 14 windows, hence freezing up my pc, it also does not show in the add/remove programs

    dell optiplex 170l
    windows xp pro
  • Anonymous
    May 03, 2006
    Hi EricLaw [MSFT], thanks for the quick reply.
    From previous posts, I was explaining why when I click external links from different programs like MSN Messenger, instead of opening a new tab in the current IE Window , it rather opens up a brand new page.

    You told me this:
    @Mohamed: Does your Tab settings dialog have a "Open links in other programs in:" groupbox?

    Yes I have that groupbox... And I set it to be A New Tab in Current Window.

    So when I click on any external link, say I click on the mail icon in MSN Messenger (or anything else), it opens a NEW Page... Not a New TAB...

    Can this be a bug? Or anything else?

    Thanks for the great work
  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2006
    IE 7 Crashes the moment an URL is punched in a new tab(Ctrl + T). It does a GET on the Page but immediately after displaying the page for a few seconds it crashes..

    Similarly if I open any HTTPS website and if it is not using a local Certificate authority that as well leads to a crash
  • Anonymous
    May 04, 2006
    @DGA343: Do you have the Google Desktop Search installed?  Any toolbars or third-party extensions?

    @Mohamed: This is likely a bug.  We'll look for it.
  • Anonymous
    May 05, 2006
    Hyperlinks in e-mails do not work when using IE7.2  Necessary for my work. Trying to uninstall. Not having much luck there either. I wish I had never done this. Is there a fix or an uninstall that works?
  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2006
    Could I ask if anybody else has found IE 6 and Outlook express have stopped accessing the web once they've uninstalled BETA 2?

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2006
    In Beta 2, whenever I try to download something the download completes but doesn't show up in the locattion I chose to download it to.
  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2006
    ^^^^^Please help^^^^^

  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2006
    The comment has been removed
  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2006
    Oops. I take back the 4th point. It can be configured.
    An addition to 1st Point. The Back button mainly gets confused when i am browsing Intranet pages.

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2006
    After installing IE7 Beta 2, my MSN Messenger closes upon use.  I am using the latest updat of MSN messenger.  The Windows Messenger has not problem working.  This is true on 4 different machines using XP and XP media.
  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2006
    The New IE7 is awesome. I love it. Its just that some financial institute website and https website don't work properly on the new ie 7. How do i fix it, so that i can log on to my financial institute's website.
  • Anonymous
    May 22, 2006
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